Monday, October 7, 2024
25 C
Brunei Town


The age of opportunity

Age is no barrier to success as evident from these seniorpreneurs.

In a world that often celebrates the vigour of youth and the fresh energy of start-ups, there’s a quieter revolution happening among senior citizens that is equally remarkable – the thriving business ventures of those who have entered their golden years.

Far from retiring into a life of leisure, these seasoned entrepreneurs are proving that age is no barrier to success.

One of the most significant advantages that senior citizens bring to the business table is their wealth of life experience. Decades spent navigating various challenges, making critical decisions and honing their skills in their respective fields equip them with unparalleled expertise.

Whether it’s in finance, healthcare or the arts, this vast knowledge can give them a competitive edge in their chosen ventures.

Every weekend, at the heart of the capital, Bandar Seri Begawan, the city awakens to the lively symphony of vendors’ banter and bustling activity.

Amidst the modern structure of Tamu Kianggeh, an old-world charm lingers, a reminiscent of its open-air days, where parasols painted the scene with vibrant hues.

Here, the weathered faces of seasoned market vendors echo stories of unwavering resilience, unwavering dedication, and a treasure trove of business wisdom earned over a lifetime, which the Weekend Bulletin dropped by one weekend to seek knowledge from.

Seasoned fruit and vegetable vendor, Khadijah encouraged aspiring young entrepreneurs to venture into the world of business.

Coming from a place of experience and wisdom, she highlighted the need for careful consideration before diving into entrepreneurship, stressing that sustainability should be the primary focus.

According to the septuagenarian, it is not just about starting a business but also about understanding how to maintain and nurture it in the long term.

She called on young entrepreneurs to approach their journey with foresight, paying attention to crucial aspects such as pricing strategies. Finding the right balance between ensuring a reasonable profit and maintaining ethical pricing for consumers can be challenging, but it’s essential for long-term success, added Khadijah.

“Patience and discipline are your greatest allies in business. There should be designated times for work and rest, all while fulfilling your responsibilities to the community.”

Muhammad Firdaus Tea Long says mastering multiple languages can open doors to opportunities. PHOTO: KHAYR ZAKARIYYA

This sentiment was shared by 82-year-old Muhammad Firdaus Tea Long bin Abdullah, who dipped his toes in business since he was a teenager.

“You must have patience and an unwavering self-determination, because you have to keep in mind that if you want your business to thrive, it’s important to tread the straight path (of knowledge and understanding),” he shared.

Being well-informed about various aspects of business is not just beneficial but essential, continued the octogenarian, adding that mastering languages commonly used in the business realm, such as Malay, English, and Chinese can open doors to vast opportunities.

From the hustle and bustle of Tamu Kianggeh, we then sought sage advice in the tranquil haven of Rimba Horticulture Centre where we had the privilege of conversing with several seasoned flower vendors, who shared their invaluable wisdom.

According to Hajah Rohana binti Haji Saban, 57, starting a business may be tricky, but be rest assured that your blessings will find their intended path.

She implored youths to embrace competition with a spirit of wholesome rivalry, and pursue the business of your choice with conviction.

“Have faith that blessings will manifest as you endeavour, pray, and place your trust in the process,” said the flower vendor.

“We have tried and tried, so surrender to Allah the Almighty and pray that the business we do will be successful. Doing business requires patience and being able to compete healthily with other businesses even though our business is the same,” said Hajah Rohana.

As someone who is just starting, she continued, they should seek guidance from seasoned entrepreneurs in their field. Learn and don’t be shy or afraid to ask questions.

“The important thing is, we need to make an effort, ask people who want to share their experiences, and be wise with your choice when in search of mentors.”

Meanwhile, Haji Azhari bin Abdullah, 51, shared there is an inevitable ebb and flow when running a business, yet the key is to maintain unwavering resolve and determination.

“Throughout this ever-turning wheel of life, day by day, month by month, and year by year, we must place our trust in Allah the Almighty, just as we do in our business journey,” said Haji Azhari.

He then recommend to those who are out there who are just about to venture into business, to always be calm, patient and be grateful for what they have been blessed with.

“It will not always be a smooth journey as there will be losses along the way, but what’s important is, when operating a business, especially with customers, we need to be honest all the way.

“We also need to always look forward because in business, we need to think about what to do for the progress of ourselves, our family and the country,” he went on to say. – Khayr Zakariyya

Muhammad Firdaus Tea Long Abdullah serves a customer. PHOTO: KHAYR ZAKARIYYA

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