Talk focusses on effective leadership training


A talk on making leadership training effective was held at the Radisson Hotel on Monday.

The talk, organised by Mavensdotlive in partnership with Young Entrepreneurs Association Brunei, invited the Group Managing Director of Momenta Dr Carl Thong to share his insights and experiences.

Momenta is one of the largest training companies in Asia.

Founder of Mavensdotlive and Managing Director of Momenta Brunei Goh Chai Li said in his opening remarks, “Globally, companies have invested billions of dollars in employee training and development.

The latest data from Statista says that in the United States alone it has passed the USD100 billion mark for the first time, the highest after the pandemic.

“Leadership training is a big trend globally.”

Around 40 people from various organisations attended the talk.

Group Managing Director of Momenta Dr Carl Thong addresses the audience. PHOTO: MAVENSDOTLIVE