Talk aims to boost role of museums in tourism


Some 20 travel and tourism teachers attended a talk on ‘The Role of Brunei Museum in Brunei Tourism Development’ at PDS Theatre, Brunei Darussalam National Archive Building on May 1.

Lambak Kiri Secondary School, a member of Professional Development Activity Hub under Subject Based Committee (SBC) Travel and Tourism organised the talk.

The information from the talk can be used by the teachers to provide local examples to illustrate how Brunei museums can play a role in developing tourism in the Sultanate.

Hajah Hazrina binti Haji Abdul Jalil as the organiser of the visit from Lambak Kiri Secondary School and Secretary of SBC Travel and Tourism from Sayyidina Husain Secondary School Amir bin Haji Hassan presented a token of appreciation to Museums Department Public Relations Officer Mariani binti Abu Bakar.

Travel and tourism teachers in a group photo. PHOTO: DEPARTMENT OF SCHOOLS