Lyna Mohamad
The 11th Intake National Service Programme (PKBN) saw the largest number of trainees in the program’s history, with 539 trainees participating in the passing out parade held at the Parade Ground of the PKBN Camp in Batu Apoi, Temburong on Thursday.

His Majesty Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah Mu’izzaddin Waddaulah ibni Al-Marhum Sultan Haji Omar ‘Ali Saifuddien Sa’adul Khairi Waddien, Sultan and Yang Di-Pertuan of Brunei Darussalam graced the event and presented awards to the Best Male and Female Trainees in three categories.
After receiving the Royal Salute, His Majesty inspected the Guard of Honour before receiving the salute for the march past performed by the PKBN trainees.
His Majesty in a titah among others highlighted the value-added subject in the PKBN curriculum, which His Majesty believes would enable the PKBN alumni to be more agile and ready to step into volunteerism and render their services during times of national disaster when required.

Following the titah, His Majesty presented awards to six trainees who received the Best Award in their respective fields.
The Overall Best Male and Female Trainee Awards were presented to Awang Mohd Nur Iffat Fadlullah bin Fandi and Dayang Hazirah Maisarah binti Hamdillah.
Trainees chanted the three calls of ‘Daulat Kebawah Duli Tuan Patik’ to show their loyalty towards His Majesty as well as their spirit to serve the nation and contribute to its socio-economic development and enhance national fortitude.

Doa Selamat was read by Awang Mohd Nur Firdaus bin Abu Bakar, Religious Officer at PKBN.
His Majesty then toured the exhibition showcased by the Community Isolation Centre of PKBN and National Disaster Management Centre in the lobby of Block 1 of the camp.
The 100 days program saw 539 trainees, comprising 403 males and 136 females. With the latest passing out parade, the PKBN has produced 3716 alumni.
The PKBN aims to produce a generation of excellent and responsible, disciplined, confident youths with the spirit of volunteerism to build a youth community that contributes to the country’s socio-economic development and strengthen national resilience.
The PKBN trainees undergo self-identity development training through several educational processes, exposures as well as discipline and physical training guided by the Malay Islamic Monarchy, MIB Concept.
His Majesty’s presence at the ceremony demonstrated the monarch’s concern for youth development in the country.
More details on Friday’s Borneo Bulletin