Sunday, September 8, 2024
25 C
Brunei Town


Students on a journey to love and protect environment

Chung Ching Primary School celebrated Earth Day with a host of activities to instil in the students the love for the environment and to promote environmental responsibility.

Year 2 students performed an Earth Day-themed song to convey the message of environmental conservation. The song encouraged all to actively engage in environmental protection and called for collective action.

A water pollution experiment was also showcased to help students understand the impact of water pollution on the ecosystem and remind them of the importance of conserving water resources.

Students gained a deep understanding on the importance of using and protecting water resources properly and avoid polluting water bodies, through the experiment’s visual demonstration.

Meanwhile, Year 6 students presented messages through posters and display boards to protect the environment.

They emphasised the importance of action such as waste reduction, energy conservation and tree planting.

ABOVE & BELOW: Photos show Chung Ching Primary School children taking part in the event. PHOTOS: CHUNG CHING PRIMARY SCHOOL

The information sparked environmental awareness among the audience and encouraged them to take positive environmental action in their daily lives.

Year 5 students also demonstrated how to make tote bags using recycled newspapers.

Through the hands-on process, they showcased the importance of waste utilisation and highlighted the creativity and feasibility of environmental actions.

The segment not only demonstrated how waste can be transformed into useful items but also stimulated students’ creativity and environmental consciousness.

Some Year 5 students also organised a creative competition with a focus on waste utilisation.

In the competition, students exhibited their creativity and environmental awareness by creating useful items and artworks from waste material. The competition showcased not only the students’ imagination and innovation but also encouraged everyone to think about turning waste into treasure and contributing to environmental protection.

The Earth Day celebration not only showcased students’ concern for environmental protection but also fostered a strong environmental awareness throughout the entire school community.


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