I have been an expat in the country for over 20 years, and one of the privileges has got to be having a full-time domestic helper.
The first two helpers were with me for 12 and eight years respectively, but had to return home due to familial reasons.
Prior to the departure of the second helper, I enlisted an agent to help me find a replacement.
However, due to the pandemic situation at the time, it wasn’t until June last year before I received a new one. The relief was short-lived though; she ran away from home within 10 days.
What irked me the most was the agent; she didn’t show any concern, nor did she lodge a police report over the domestic helper’s disappearance. And more importantly, she didn’t offer me a replacement.
Disgruntled, I found another agent. After a few months’ wait, I received the help. Again, the worker ran away after seven days. She went to her embassy and complained about the workload. There are only three adults in our household. So I was confused as to why she thought the chores she was given were too much to handle.
My question is: What exactly are the responsibilities of an agent? Is there a specific timeframe they need to abide by?
A few weeks ago, an agent told me that there is an additional fee imposed on those seeking domestic helpers. Now we have pay the agent in Brunei, on top of the fee for the agent of the country where the domestic helper originates. It would be good to get some clarification regarding its effective date, or if there is a cap on the fee.
I feel like we are on the losing end of the current arrangement. Despite paying a large sum for the service, we essentially roll the dice on the quality of the helper.
No Help In Sight