Tuesday, October 22, 2024
31 C
Brunei Town


Spend wealth in the way of Allah: Imams

In the Friday sermon, Imams emphasised the importance of charity and generosity within the Muslim community, urging believers to engage in acts of Infaq, which includes giving alms, donating, paying zakat, and making waqaf (endowment).

According to the Imams, these acts of charity serve to nurture compassion and selflessness while preventing individuals from succumbing to selfishness, stinginess, or greed. They highlighted that spending in the way of Allah the Almighty holds a significant position and promises immense rewards, regardless of the amount given. Such contributions do not diminish wealth but rather lead to its increase and multiplication by Allah the Almighty.

Furthermore, those who engage in generous giving are praised for their faith and piety, finding themselves among the blessed. Wealth, as emphasised, should not be perceived as a luxury but as a means to support the less fortunate and share blessings through acts such as charity and zakat (tithe).

Imams also announced the establishment of the Brunei Darussalam Mosque Construction Fund, which is open to public contributions from February 27th to December 26th, 2024 via SMS donations or by handing over cash to the Fund Secretariat at the Mosque Affairs Department, as well as through bank transfers. – AZLAN OTHMAN


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