Sunday, October 6, 2024
28 C
Brunei Town


Shopping locally increasingly unaffordable

I have been working in the private sector for over 10 years, and only in the past few years have I noticed that goods are increasingly more expensive.

A household product that used to cost BND7 prior to the COVID-19 pandemic is now BND9, whereas wages have been stagnant for as long as I have been in the local workforce.

While I make enough to get by, I can’t help but feel for those who make BND500 or less.

Even nasi katok, which is a staple among the lower socio-economic group, has gone up in price.

There have been a lot of calls for us Bruneians to shop locally. But if inflation continues to rise while wages remain unchanged, are we to blame for crossing the border in search of a good bargain?

I am thankful that our basic necessities are subsidised. But at the rate that inflation is going, it won’t be long before even these subsidies are not enough to maintain the quality of life.

Momma Bear


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