Sunday, September 8, 2024
25 C
Brunei Town


School celebrates 56th ASEAN Day

Sayyidina Husain Secondary School celebrated the 56th ASEAN Day at its multipurpose hall recently attended by the school’s acting principal Nor’izzah binti Haji Othman, deputy principals, teachers and students.

The event aimed to enrich the students’ knowledge on different ASEAN member countries culture and traditions, educate and enhance students’ understanding on the importance of the regional collaborative efforts and understand and celebrate the unity of ASEAN member countries.

Ten students marched bringing in 10 ASEAN member countries’ flags. The event continued with a video of ASEAN member countries showing the culture and customs from each country, performances such as singing children’s songs and native dances from each country.

The event ended with a quiz on ASEAN member countries.

ABOVE & BELOW: A quiz session; and students perform children’s songs from each ASEAN member country. PHOTO: ABDUL AZIZ PANDIN


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