Monday, September 16, 2024
34 C
Brunei Town


Sacred success

Institut Tahfiz Al-Quran Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah (ITQSHHB) recently celebrated a milestone in its pursuit of excellence, hosting the 12th convocation ceremony. Twenty graduates were honoured with the ‘Aliyah Qiraat Diploma, each one carrying a story of dedication and resilience.

These graduates embarked on a profound journey, overcoming challenges and devoting themselves to the sacred art of Quran memorisation and the intricate study of Qiraat.


For Awadah binti Mohamad Ariffin, a 21-year-old resident of RPN Kampong Panchor, the recent convocation was more than just a graduation day – it was the culmination of years of dedication and perseverance.

With a radiant smile reflecting her sense of accomplishment, she looked back on the challenges and triumphs of her journey through the rigorous ‘Aliyah Qiraat Diploma programme.

One of the most profound experiences during her studies was her placement at the Islamic Da’wah Centre for practical training.

Here, Awadah found herself immersed in the world of Islamic scholarship, tasked with gathering hadiths for a book and preparing scholarly texts.

This unexpected venture beyond her primary focus of Al-Quran memorisation gave her a newfound appreciation for the breadth of Islamic knowledge, expanding her academic horizons in ways she hadn’t anticipated when she first enrolled.

However, Awadah’s path to success was not without its hurdles.

ABOVE & BELOW: Awadah binti Mohamad Ariffin; and Nur Qamariah binti Kepli. PHOTO: RIZAL FAISAL
ABOVE & BELOW: Muhammad Nursolihin Mirza bin Haji Mohd Taha; and Muhammad Faaiz bin Fisol. PHOTO: RIZAL FAISAL

“The biggest challenge I faced was maintaining consistency and discipline in memorising Al-Quran,” she admitted.

Unforeseen disruptions to her daily memorisation routine often tested her resolve. Yet, through sheer determination, she persevered, ultimately earning the prestigious 10 Juzuk tasmie’ allowance, a recognition of her dedication to memorising a significant portion of Al-Quran.

With her diploma in hand, Awadah is now pursuing further studies in Syariah Fiqh and Judiciary at Universiti Islam Sultan Sharif Ali.

Her journey of learning continues, fuelled by a desire to deepen her understanding of Islamic law and apply her knowledge to future endeavours, paving the way for a future deeply rooted in scholarship and faith.


For 20-year-old Nur Qamariah binti Kepli from Kampong Bakiau in the Tutong District, earning her ‘Aliyah Qiraat Diploma was as much about personal growth as it was about academic success.

Throughout her journey, her parents remained her steadfast pillars of strength, offering unwavering support during even the most challenging moments.

Reflecting on her time at the institute, Nur Qamariah fondly recalled the profound impact of her lecturers.

“The most memorable experience was the genuine care and dedication of my lecturers,” she shared.

Their commitment to imparting knowledge inspired her to pay it forward, sharing what she had learned with her juniors. For her, this act of mentorship was one of the most fulfilling aspects of her studies.

However, the road to graduation wasn’t always smooth.

“The hardest challenge I faced was during exams, trying to balance memorising Al-Quran with other subjects,” she explained.

During these stressful times, her father’s reassuring words echoed in her mind: “Knowledge belongs to Allah the Almighty, and He will make it easy, especially for those who guard His words.”

This faith, coupled with her parents’ relentless encouragement, became her anchor through the toughest trials.

As Nur Qamariah steps into the future, she carries with her not only the academic knowledge she has gained but also the spiritual lessons and deep gratitude for the support of her parents and lecturers, whose guidance played a crucial role in her success.


For 22-year-old Muhammad Nursolihin Mirza bin Haji Mohd Taha from Kampong Mabohai, the ‘Aliyah Qiraat Diploma was more than just an academic achievement – it was a journey of community and spiritual growth.

Reflecting on his time at the institute, Nursolihin feels a profound sense of gratitude, particularly for the opportunities that extended beyond the classroom.

During his studies, Nursolihin had the honour of leading Sunnat Tarawih prayers at the Brunei International Airport surau from 2021 through to this year’s Ramadhan, an experience that deepened his connection to the community. His journey also took him to Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia, where he participated in the Program Ziarah Ilmiah Wa Mahabbah, visiting various Tahfiz institutions.

These experiences enriched his understanding of Islamic practices and fostered a stronger bond with the wider Muslim community.

Yet, like many of his peers, Nursolihin’s path was not without its trials. The second wave of COVID-19 in Brunei forced a transition to online learning during his first year.

“This period taught me the importance of focus and patience,” he shared. Despite the challenges, especially in completing the memorisation of 30 Juzuk of Al-Quran, Nursolihin’s unwavering faith saw him through.

Now, as a proud recipient of the 10 Juzuk tasmie’ allowance, Nursolihin views his graduation as the start of a new chapter.

He plans to further his studies in Quranic recitation at Ma’had Qiraat Shoubra in Egypt, with a vision of contributing to Brunei’s Vision 2035 as a knowledgeable and dedicated citizen.


For 20-year-old Muhammad Faaiz bin Fisol from Kampong Mabohai, the journey of Quranic memorisation has been both rewarding and demanding. As he prepares to turn 21, Muhammad Faaiz reflects on the challenges he faced, from juggling a busy daily routine to maintaining a consistent schedule for memorisation.

“One of the biggest hurdles was keeping the memorised verses fresh in my mind, which required constant review,” he shared.

Despite these obstacles, Faaiz remains resolute in his pursuit of Quranic studies. With his diploma now in hand, he plans to continue his education abroad, setting his sights on specialising in advanced Quranic recitation at Maahad Qiraat Shoubra in Egypt. His aspirations are clear: to deepen his understanding of Al-Quran and contribute to Brunei Darussalam’s spiritual and educational landscape.

Though each graduate’s path is unique, they are united by their unwavering commitment to sacred knowledge and the faith that guides them. As they embark on the next chapter of their lives, whether in further education or in service to the community, these graduates carry with them the teachings and values that have shaped their academic and spiritual journeys. – Rizal Faisal


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