Sunday, June 30, 2024
25 C
Brunei Town

Sabah begins demolition notices for squatters

KOTA KINABALU (ANN/THE STAR) – Sabah has launched Ops Koloni Setinggan, a multi-agency effort aimed at addressing its estimated 100,000 squatters. 

Led by Sabah Police Commissioner Datuk Jauteh Dikun, the operation will begin by targeting small squatter settlements in Kota Kinabalu, Semporna, Kudat, and Labuan, expanding later to larger colonies across the state. 

Integrated operations involving state and federal agencies have already resulted in 1,388 demolition notices being issued by local authorities. 

The government’s procedure involves identifying squatter houses and issuing demolition notices, allowing occupants adequate time to vacate before enforcement actions.

“After these squatter colonies are cleared, the authorities will fence them up or erect signs prohibiting trespassing,” said Comm Jauteh.

He said that action would be taken against those without identity or travel documents.

“Those without proper documents will be tracked by the authorities.

“They can be prosecuted according to the law,” he said.

He said many of these squatters had intruded on land belonging to the government or its agencies.

Comm Jauteh was confident that the operations would, in the long term, help in resolving the issues of squatters and the influx of illegal immigrants to Sabah.

“The operation can overcome the encroachment into government land, deal with crime, electricity and water thefts, as well as issues concerning hygiene and the environment,” he said.

He said that drug abuse and littering had also become “synonymous” in these areas.


