Friday, March 7, 2025
25 C
Brunei Town

    Repair works included in mosque fund expenditure?

    In reference to the news article, ‘Laying the foundation’, published in the Bulletin on January 2, I commend the effort to build more mosques, while bringing the public together to help fund the cause. Millions of dollars have been collected, and thousands of donors will hopefully be blessed by Allah the Almighty for their deeds.

    However, I believe some of these funds ought to be used for maintenance and repair works for some of the mosques instead.

    Maybe it has been done several times, but some mosques that I’ve visited in the past few years still need attention. There are pipes, fences and doors that need replacing, toilets that need cleaning, and air conditioners that need fixing.

    Are these funds used for existing mosques too?

    Another Citizen


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