Monday, March 3, 2025
28.9 C
Brunei Town

    Religious gathering prepares converts for Ramadhan

    More than 50 muallaf and mukalaf participated in the recitation of Tahlil and Doa Arwah in preparation for the holy month of Ramadhan at Al-Mashor Mosque, Kampong Sungai Mau.

    The ceremony began with the recitation of Asmaa Ul-Husna, led by acting bilal Fatih bin Suhaimi, followed by the recitation of Sayyidul Istighfar and Surah Al-Fatihah by class instructor Muhammad Nazhim Mustaqim bin Zaini.

    Mosque Affairs Officer imam Abdul Qayyum bin Ali led the recitation of Doa Tahlil before concluding with the Doa Selamat delivered by class instructor Awangku Abdul Qayum bin Pengiran Bakar.

    Legislative Council member and Head of Kampong Bukit Sawat Yang Berhormat Mohammad bin Abdullah @ Lim Swee Ann was the guest of honour. Students from the muallaf class of Al-Mashor Mosque, Kampong Sungai Liang Mosque and Merangking Religious Hall, as well as Sinar Islam Association members were present. – Daniel Lim

    Legislative Council member Yang Berhormat Mohammad bin Abdullah @ Lim Swee Ann during the event. PHOTO: DANIEL LIM
    ABOVE & BELOW: Photos show participants at the event. PHOTO: DANIEL LIM


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