Registration opens for sixth form students


Azlan Othman

Duli Pengiran Muda Al-Muhtadee Billah College opened registration for the Lower Sixth intake for the 2022/2023 academic year.

The registration from February 3-7 opened with a Doa by lecturer Syed Mohsen bin Syed Abdul Rahman Al Kaff at the college’s gymnasium.

Registrations can be made at the gymnasium, dining hall and fitness centre.

Registration forms are available at the gymnasium while subject consultations with lecturers are held at the gymnasium and dining hall. The fitness centre is reserved for hostel application as well as for the submission of registration forms to enrol in the college.

Parents, guardians and Lower Sixth applicants must follow standard operating procedures (SOPs) such as body temperature check, scanning of Bruhealth QR code and vaccination status check prior to entering the venues.

Prospective students consult lecturers regarding subjects available. PHOTO: AZLAN OTHMAN