Monday, March 31, 2025
28 C
Brunei Town

    Regional ambassador visits UBD

    The United Kingdom’s 26th Conference of the Parties (COP26) Regional Ambassador Ken O’Flaherty visited Universiti Brunei Darussalam (UBD) recently. His visit included delivering a talk at the Institute of Policy Studies (IPS) and meeting faculty members from the Institute for Biodiversity and Environmental Research (IBER) and a tour of the UBD Botanical Research Centre (UBD BRC).

    O’Flaherty met Director of UBD’s IBER Dr Norhayati Ahmad and staff and discussed his role as UK’s COP26 Regional Ambassador and learnt of the research and education activities conducted under IBER.

    The tour of the UBD BRC was led by Botanist at UBD BRC Nurul Hazlina binti Haji Zaini. The UBD BRC is focussed on the conservation of Brunei’s flora, especially rare and threatened species via the research and education activities. The living collection places an emphasis on the in situ conservation of native Kerangas forest, botanical and taxonomical research, physiological and biochemical research as well as environmental education and public engagement activities.

    Associate Professor Dr Rahayu Sukmaria Sukri delivered a presentation on climate change related research activities at IBER. O’Flaherty then delivered a talk on ‘Climate Change – UK’s COP26 Presidency’.

    He talked about the UK’s Presidency of the annual United Nations Climate Change Conference, the COP26 and the Glasgow Climate Pact. He shared UK’s net-zero emission targets and the economic case for environmental action. With COP27 taking place in early November, he shared what UK’s priorities would be.

    IPS Director Dr Mahani Haji Hamdan expressed appreciation to the ambassador for sharing the progress and development of initiatives and commitments on climate change.

    O’Flaherty is in Brunei as part of a wider climate change programme, including the UK and Brunei Darussalam’s inaugural Climate Change Dialogue.

    UK’s COP26 Regional Ambassador Ken O’Flaherty delivers a talk. PHOTO: UBD

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