Azlan Othman
Following public complaints, the Syariah Affairs Department at the Ministry of Religious Affairs (MoRA) through the Halal Food Control Division conducted an inspection of Lady’s Choice brand Chicken Spread and it was informed that the food product and other products containing meat (including fish) are not halal.
This has been confirmed by the distribution company Lady’s Choice Philippines through its website’s frequently asked questions section.
To safeguard the interests of the Muslim community in the Sultanate, the Syariah Affairs Department instructed businesses to segregate the products in a non-halal section or space that is not exposed to public sale.
Importers, supermarkets and shops in the country are also advised to take immediate isolation measures if there is the same product being distributed and sold at their premises.
The MoRA also reminded owners, managers, operators, retailers, suppliers and importers of products in Brunei to be vigilant and more sensitive to imported products that will be sold to the public in their supermarkets or shops by ensuring that halal products are not mixed with non-halal ones.
This is to protect the Muslim community in the Sultanate from taking and eating products that are not halal or whose halal status is doubtful, said the ministry.