Wednesday, February 12, 2025
26 C
Brunei Town

    Record breaker

    UPI – A single feather from an extinct huia bird became the most expensive feather in the world when it sold for USD28,417, a New Zealand auction house said.

    Webb’s Auction House, said the feather was expected to fetch up to USD1,800 but beat expectations. The previous record was set by a feather from a bird of the same species when it sold for USD5,150 in 2010.

    The huia bird was considered sacred by the Māori people, and their feathers would adorn the headpieces of chiefs and their families.

    The last confirmed sighting of a huia bird was in 1907, although unconfirmed sightings were reported over the course of the ensuing 30 years.

    “We are very pleased that this rare item of natural history has achieved such huge bidder interest, highlighting the fragility of our ecosystem and the importance of looking after its fauna,” head of Decorative Arts at Webb’s Auction House Leah Morris said in a news release.

    Morris told the BBC that the record-breaking feather was “in wonderful condition”.

    “It still has its very distinct sheen to it, and there was no insect damage,” she said.

    Feather from extinct huia bird. PHOTO: UPI

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