Friday, July 5, 2024
25 C
Brunei Town

RBPF close in on live band performances at residential area

The Royal Brunei Police Force early Sunday morning raided two residences at Jalan Nenas Sanggul, Katok B, STKRJ Mata-Mata after receiving public complaints of noises alleged to have come from live band performances.

Investigations are being conducted for offences under the Public Entertainment Act, Chapter 181, Section 18 (1), carrying penalties of a maximum BND10,000 fine.

Second and subsequent offenders are liable to double the amount of fine and imprisonment not more than two years.

Meanwhile, contraband found on the premises were handed to the Royal Customs and Excise Department for investigations.

More details on Tuesday’s Borneo Bulletin

Personnel arrived at the scene at 2.11am. PHOTO: RBPF

