Tuesday, July 2, 2024
25 C
Brunei Town

RBLF, US Army Pacific hold Pahlawan Warrior exercise

Pahlawan Warrior 2024, a bilateral exercise between the Royal Brunei Land Force (RBLF) and the United States (US) Army Pacific to enhance defence readiness and tactical interoperability while strengthening bilateral relations, concluded on Friday.

The exercise involved over 100 participants from US Army Pacific and RBLF in jungle operations, subject-matter expert exchange and live-fire exercises.

“This year’s exercise is particularly significant, with 2024 marking the 40th anniversary of diplomatic relations between the US and Brunei,” said US Ambassador to Brunei Darussalam Caryn McClelland, who attended the closing ceremony. “Pahlawan Warrior represents our mutual friendship and commitment to shared goals by our two nations.”

Royal Brunei Land Force and United States Army Pacific personnel during the exercise. PHOTO: US EMBASSSY IN BRUNEI DARUSSALAM

