Tuesday, March 4, 2025
29 C
Brunei Town

    RBAF receives medical supplies to mark 61st anniversary

    Azlan Othman

    GHK Motors Sdn Bhd handed over donations of medical supplies to the Royal Brunei Armed Forces (RBAF) to mark RBAF’s 61st anniversary at the Mitsubishi Showroom, GHK Motors Sdn Bhd in Beribi yesterday.

    Managing Director of GHK Motors Sdn Bhd Pehin Kapitan Lela Diraja Dato Paduka Goh King Chin handed over the sponsorship comprising 1,000 face masks and 500 bottles of hand sanitisers to Deputy Commander of the Royal Brunei Navy Captain Haji Mohamad Sarif Pudin bin Matserudin, in his capacity as the Chairman of the upcoming RBAF 61st anniversary celebration.

    GHK Motors Sdn Bhd hoped that the contribution would make RBAF 61st anniversary event a success.

    Managing Director of GHK Motors Sdn Bhd Pehin Kapitan Lela Diraja Dato Paduka Goh King Chin presents the contribution to Deputy Commander of the Royal Brunei Navy and Chairman of the upcoming RBAF 61st Anniversary celebration Captain Haji Mohamad Sarif Pudin bin Matserudin. PHOTO: AZLAN OTHMAN

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