Saturday, July 27, 2024
27 C
Brunei Town

Prepping students with virtual orientation programme

Lyna Mohamad

Menglait Secondary School welcomed its new batch of Year 7 students with a three-day orientation programme conducted virtually starting Monday.

The programme began with the registration of students, followed by the singing of national anthem and Doa led by Nuzul Asmadi bin Haji Abdullah.

School Principal Huzaimi bin Moksin shared that the school recorded an 18-per-cent increase in student admission this year, with 177 Year 7 students.

Despite the number exceeding the limit, the principal said that the school will always strive to provide quality education to all students.

“I would like to call on all parents and guardians to play a role in your children’s education. The school also hopes that parents and guardians can guide these students at home and always stay informed on their academic development from the teachers,” the principal said.

Students during the virtual orientation. PHOTO: LYNA MOHAMAD

“I believe that with your involvement, the students’ enthusiasm to always want to improve will never fade.”

The principal also called on parents and guardians to be actively involved in the school’s parents-teachers association.

Deputy Principal (Administration) Hajah Khadijah binti Haji Md Salleh, Deputy Principal (Academic) Dayangku Nurul Aminatun Faridah binti Pengiran Haji Ali and senior teacher (HEP) Sareah binti Haji Mahali also briefed the students on the first day.

On the second day, the programme continued with a briefing on co-curricular activities by Pengiran Abdul Rahman bin Pengiran Haji Ghani, followed by a session on ‘Growth Mind Set’ by Afrizah binti Haji Ahmad and Hajah Yusmawati binti Haji Alim. An activity with counsellor Hajah Mal Hafiza binti Haji Malek concluded the programme yesterday. Today, students will attend a sharing session on the school’s library by Haji Sulaiman bin Haji Aman, before the second session of ‘Growth Mind Set’.

An ice-breaking session with teachers will also be held on the final day of orientation.


