Wednesday, July 3, 2024
26 C
Brunei Town

Preparing hearts for Ramadhan

Muslims are called upon to elevate their devotion during the sacred month of Sya’aban, a precursor to the upcoming holy month of Ramadhan.

In the Friday sermon, Imams emphasised the significance of not only increasing voluntary fasting but also engaging in other commendable practices during the month of Sya’aban.

Among these practices, Imams said is sincere repentance and seeking forgiveness, extending beyond one’s personal transgressions to include those who have committed immoral acts and sins.

Explaining the etymology of Sya’aban, Imams noted its meaning as “Separation,” derived from the historical context where Arab tribes dispersed in search of water during this month. Additionally, they highlighted a pivotal event in Islamic history that occurred in Sya’aban—the shift of the Kiblat or prayer direction from Al Aqsa mosque to the Ka’abah in Haram mosque.

Imams urged Muslims to enhance their remembrance of Allah (Zikir) and fervently engage in supplications (Doa).

Zikir involves not only verbal utterances but also connecting with Allah on a deeper, heartfelt level. Supplications, they emphasised, can be made at any place and time.

The community is further encouraged to multiply their salawat upon Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), perform additional nightly prayers, and contribute generously to charitable endeavors.

As the month of Sya’aban unfolds, the faithful are reminded to fortify their spiritual bonds in anticipation of the blessed month of Ramadan. – Azlan Othman


