Wednesday, March 12, 2025
32 C
Brunei Town

    Patriotism soars as school marks National Day

    The spirit of patriotism soared at Jigsaw Primary School as it marked Brunei Darussalam’s 40th National Day with fervour on Thursday.

    Students, teachers, and staff gathered for a special assembly, beginning with the singing of the national anthem and the hoisting of the national flag by Year 6 students, symbolising unity and loyalty.

    The event followed with the recitation of SurahYassin.

    Bahasa Melayu and MIB Department Head Siti Rosamalyana delivered a National Day talk, followed by a quiz with prizes for the winners. The day concluded with a cleaning campaign.

    Chief Executive Officer and Principal Helen Chin expressing gratitude to all, praised the students for their enthusiasm, highlighting the importance of instilling national pride and civic responsibility among the youth. – James Kon

    Jigsaw Primary School Chief Executive Officer and Principal Helen Chin in a group photo with staff and students. PHOTO: JIGSAW PRIMARY SCHOOL
    ABOVE & BELOW: Year 6 students ready to hoist the national flag; and teachers dressed in traditional Malay attire. PHOTO: JIGSAW PRIMARY SCHOOL


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