Wednesday, September 4, 2024
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Pathway to Allah the Almighty’s love

State Mufti underscores the sacred essence of repentance at the Knowledge Convention 2023

Repentance not only erases sins but also becomes the cause for the descent of mercy, the reason for abundant blessings, the source of wide sustenance, the catalyst for healing, the factor in averting calamities, the contributor to a long life, the alleviator of sorrow and the means by which desires are fulfilled.

State Mufti Pehin Datu Seri Maharaja Dato Paduka Seri Setia (Dr) Ustaz Haji Awang Abdul Aziz bin Juned during his lecture. PHOTO: MUIZ MATDANI

This was the main focus of State Mufti Pehin Datu Seri Maharaja Dato Paduka Seri Setia (Dr) Ustaz Haji Awang Abdul Aziz bin Juned during a special lecture on Munajat Senegara Dengan Taubat (Nationwide Munajat With Taubat).

Brunei Darussalam, in its innovative approach to combating COVID-19, introduced religious standard operating procedures (SOPs) referred to as the ‘Divine Vaccine’.

This unique protocol involves recitations from Al-Quran, diverse supplications, the practice of Sunnat Hajat prayers, the recitation of Qunut Nazilah, a nationwide recitation of Selawat Tafrijiyyah, and a sequence of Munajat night. “The recognition and implementation of the ‘Divine Vaccine’, embedded in Al-Quran verses, prayers, and supplications (Munajat), have been embraced by the nation, resulting in a gradual infusion of positive blessings from Allah the Almighty.

“Yet, amidst this spiritual journey, there exists another commendable and imperative form of supplication that beckons our attention – Munajat Senegara Dengan Taubat,” shared the State Mufti.

The special lecture, held at the opening of the Knowledge Convention 2023, saw the State Mufti underscore the sacred essence of repentance by referencing its acknowledgement in both Al-Quran and Al-Hadith.

He highlighted that Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), despite his sinlessness, engaged in repentance 100 times a day. This emphasises the concept that repentance serves as a pathway to garner Allah the Almighty’s love.

Expanding on this, he explained that Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) recognised the favour of Allah the Almighty upon those who repent, stating that anyone who repents is favoured by Allah the Almighty. Hence, Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), in his continuous pursuit of Allah the Almighty’s love, consistently sought it through the act of repentance.

Alhamdulillah, we are still blessed with the chance to repent. Our breaths persist, our physical strength endures, signifying that the window for repentance remains open,” he counselled.

He cautioned against complacency, urging vigilance and discouraging undue optimism about the longevity of this opportunity.

“Never presume that the Day of Judgement is a distant event, set thousands of years in the future. Such assumptions are misguided,” stressed the State Mufti.

Continuing, he shared that Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) himself harboured a sense of apprehension every Friday, recognising it as the day when the Day of Judgement might unfold.

“In instances of strong winds or storms, Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) and his companions would hasten to the mosque for prayer, driven by the fear that such weather events could serve as precursors or signs of the impending Day of Judgement,” he explained.

Comparing humans to the creatures of the air, the State Mufti shared that birds are more knowledgeable and sensitive. This is because, according to a Hadith, the chirping of birds on Friday differs from their chirping on other days besides Friday.

“The birds also know that the Day of Judgement will occur on Friday,” he affirmed.

The State Mufti then remarked that we should not always indulge in leisure and enjoyment just because the sun has not yet risen from the west.

“Bear in mind that the time is drawing near. There is already evidence in the form of climate changes. The climate on this 4.7 billion-year-old planet has undergone drastic transformations, resulting in frequent storms, devastating forest fires, unpredictable periods of rain and drought, the melting of ice in Antarctica, the thinning of the ozone layer, and, during the winter, snowfall occurring in the Northern Hemisphere.

“Furthermore, during the summer, snowfall is observed in the Southern Hemisphere, such as in Australia and New Zealand. The snowfall is remarkably heavy.”

“Doesn’t this,” asked the State Mufti, “indicate that the world’s weather or climate has indeed changed along with the shifting position of the sun, which has been and is actively changing?”

He added, “Surely, just as tomorrow or the day after, the time will come for the sun to switch places: rising from the West.”

The State Mufti, cautioning against complacency in repentance, urged individuals not to assume a distant Day of Judgement as life’s end is in the hands of Allah the Almighty, and just as the time for the sun to rise from the west is known only to Him, we remain unaware of it.

“It is indeed appropriate for us to repent immediately, and it is highly fitting for us, as Muslims, to repent collectively.

“Therefore, esteemed Muslims, do not look down on those who repent, for Allah the Almighty does not belittle those who repent. In fact, He honours and even loves those who repent,” he said. – Rokiah Mahmud

A man praying in Jame’ ‘Asr Hassanil Bolkiah in Kampong Kiarong. PHOTO: Law Hieng Hing

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