Monday, September 16, 2024
29 C
Brunei Town


Parties’ case comes to a close in civil servants corruption trial

Chief Magistrate Pengiran Hajah Norismayanti binti Pengiran Haji Ismail on Saturday saw the defence case come to a close in a civil servants corruption trial.

Haji Muhammad Suffian bin Haji Bungsu, 50, who at the time of allegation was the director of Radio Television Brunei (RTB), was purported to receive a luxury car from the former assistant chief of news and current affairs at RTB Jonathan Kho Chew Sen, 45. Jonathan Kho is charged with gifting the luxury car as a bribe to Haji Muhammad Suffian to secure a job promotion.

Defence counsels Roy Prabhakaran and Kamal Shaari of Messrs Yusof Halim and Partners, representing both defendants, called witnesses to testify in their favour, apart from the defendants themselves giving evidence.

The court fixed June 29 for further mention of the case.  – Fadley Faisal


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