Sunday, September 8, 2024
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Brunei Town


Paris’ Ritz hotel finds Malaysian guest’s missing ring

PARIS (AP) — Lost a very expensive diamond ring? Try checking the vacuum cleaner. That’s what employees of Paris’ luxury Ritz hotel did — and got lucky.

Le Parisien newspaper reported Sunday that a Malaysian guest of the hotel filed a police complaint on Friday alleging that her diamond ring vanished from her room. The newspaper said the ring was worth an estimated EUR750,000 euros, or more than USD800,000.

The Ritz Paris wouldn’t release details about the ring or the client but said the ring had been found on Sunday.

“Thanks to meticulous searches by security agents at the Ritz Paris, the ring was found this morning in a vacuum cleaner bag,” the hotel said in a statement.

“Our client is happy at the news.”


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