Saturday, July 27, 2024
27 C
Brunei Town

Parents take opportunity to teach the young

Izah Azahari

With COVID-19 restrictions now lifted, the public once again flock to the heart of the capital in droves, and this time, to witness the Grand Parade in conjunction with the 76th birthday Celebration of His Majesty Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah Mu’izzaddin Waddaulah ibni Al-Marhum Sultan Haji Omar ‘Ali Saifuddien Sa’adul Khairi Waddien, Sultan and Yang Di-Pertuan of Brunei Darussalam.

Nurul Azimah binti Idris from Muara told the Weekend that she wanted to give her child the experience of participating in a national celebration.

“Even though my daughter is still young, my husband and I wanted to show her what national celebrations are like. I feel it’s best to start from a young age as it will also instil a sense of patriotism in her as she grows,” said Nurul Azimah.

She added that it was exciting to celebrate His Majesty’s birthday in this way again as it was difficult to participate previously due to the pandemic.

“Now, we can bring our child here,” she said, adding that her parents also used to bring her to these celebrations when she was growing up.

ABOVE & BELOW: Pengiran Surianadia binti Pengiran Hasnan with her family; and Nurul Azimah binti Idris attends the event with her husband and daughter. PHOTOS: IZAH AZAHARI/BAHYIAH BAKIR

“I want my child to experience the same excitement, so that our family tradition lives on.”

As for Pengiran Surianadia binti Pengiran Hasnan from Kampong Rimba, she said she came to the capital with her four children, husband and younger sister to witness the parade for the first time.

“It’s exciting to be a part of such a grand event, especially since I’ve never experienced it as a child. Seeing the huge crowd of people also brings a tremendous amount of enthusiasm,” said Pengiran Surianadia.

Having her four children with her, she hoped to give them exposure how His Majesty’s birthday celebrations are carried out.

“Maybe when they’re older, they’ll remember this as one of their core childhood experiences.

“They were so excited to come to the capital this morning. They even woke up early!” she added.


