Saturday, October 5, 2024
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Brunei Town

‘Pandemic has revealed multifaceted challenges’

Azlan Othman

The COVID-19 pandemic has encouraged and accelerated innovation and advancement in the digital sphere, requiring improved digital literacy and understanding the social aspects of technological adaptation in daily lives. This was the message from guest of honour Minister of Education Dato Seri Setia Awang Haji Hamzah bin Haji Sulaiman at the opening of the 4th School Leaders Convention 2022 on Tuesday.

“As we continue to cope with the third wave of the COVID-19 pandemic, we have seen how it has revealed multifaceted challenges and learning opportunities that bring about adaptive and transformative leadership, especially in managing crisis and change,” he said.

The minister added, “While uncertainties still lie in how this pandemic will reshape society globally, one thing for certain is how it encourages and accelerates innovation and advancement in the digital sphere, and more importantly reminding us that taking care of our educators’ and students’ well-being is imperative when maintaining a sense of normality in schools.

“Therefore, rethinking educators’ and students’ digital citizenship competence is highly critical as part of understanding and improving the whole systems thinking. We have seen the evolution of the use of educational technology as more students are being educated through relevant and suitable online learning platforms. Such innovation has made the prospect of blended learning taking a more prominent role as our schools adjust to the post-pandemic world.”

The Ministry of Education (MoE) on Tuesday held the 4th School Leaders Convention 2022.

The convention held on March 22, 24 and 26 in hybrid sessions (virtual and physical) is organised jointly by the Department of Educators Management and the Department of Schools, MoE.

ABOVE & BELOW: Minister of Education Dato Seri Setia Awang Haji Hamzah bin Haji Sulaiman delivers his opening remarks: MOE Deputy Permanent Secretary (Higher Education) at the MoE Dr Chin Wei Keh. PHOTOS: MOE

Also present were Deputy Minister of Education Datin Seri Paduka Dr Hajah Romaizah binti Haji Mohd Salleh, permanent secretaries, vice chancellors, rector, deputy permanent secretaries, heads of department and heads of cluster from MoE.

More than 635 participants and invitees comprising primary and secondary school leaders from government, private colleges and sixth form centres of the MoE as well as schools from the Islamic Studies Department of the Ministry of Religious Affairs (MoRA) attended the convention.

Themed ‘Quality Leaders, Quality Education’, the convention aimed to enhance the instructional leadership and professionalism of school leaders.

The convention also carried a subtheme ‘Digital Citizenship’, aiming to provide awareness and understanding of the concept of digital citizenship and generate support towards digital well-being in the school community.

Dato Seri Setia Awang Haji Hamzah said, “The development of digital citizenship competency and fluency, when blended learning is enacted at scale, requires establishing effective forms of online education.

“School leaders and teachers need to have a good understanding of the social, emotional and affective aspects of technology-based education, and feel confident in their capacity to respond appropriately.

“All these call for school leaders to understand systems-thinking in ensuring that the inter-connectedness brings about collective efficacy, so you are able to impact your school with sustainable and long-lasting growth towards quality education.”

The convention began with a recitation of Surah Al-Fatihah and a Doa Selamat followed by a welcoming speech from Acting Director of Schools, MoE Dr Sheikh Lukman bin Sheikh Abdul Hamid, as the convention’s Co-chairperson. This was followed by a speech by the guest of honour and the official opening of the convention as well as the launching of the Brunei Darussalam Learning Support Guidebook.

Guest and keynote speaker, the founder of the DQ Institute and creator of the concept and framework of Digital Intelligence (DQ) and world-leading expert in digital skills and child online safety, Dr Yuhyun Park spoke on “Global Standards For Digital Skills”.

A dialogue session then followed between the heads of department and school leaders co-chaired by Deputy Permanent Secretary (Core Education) at the MoE Aliuddin bin Haji Abdul Rahman and Deputy Permanent Secretary (Higher Education) at the MoE Dr Chin Wei Keh.

The convention’s second day continues online today via Microsoft Teams with a live Q&A session with the keynote speaker. The morning session will be continued by a presentation and workshop on digital citizenship for schools led by the Director of Curriculum Development, MoE.

As a continuation of a workshop held in November 2021, this segment aims to identify the digital citizenship component in the Brunei Darussalam educational system through in-depth discussions, and study relevant cases to uncover insights and develop policies and procedures in implementing digital citizenship in schools nationwide.

Meanwhile, the afternoon session will see three presentations, namely the summary of the digital citizenship workshop from the Department of Curriculum Development, Blended Learning Models from the Education Technology Centre and decision-making by the School Leaders Council.

The appointment of new school leaders and the presentation of school incentives to government schools that have achieved overall performance in the examinations will be held on the convention’s final day.

Opportunities for tourism, hospitality industry amidst challenges of pandemic

Bank Islam Brunei Darussalam (BIBD) yesterday concluded a virtual forum which discussed Brunei’s tourism and hospitality industry as a continuation of the 10-part ‘BIBD SME360 SERIES’.

The two-day event began on March 22 with a session titled ‘Overview of the Tourism and Hospitality Industry: COVID-19, Now, and the Future’.

The first session of Day 1, featured a panel of speakers which included the Acting Director of Tourism Development Department Salinah binti Haji Mohd Salleh; President of Brunei Association of Hotels Mohd Iswandi bin Maaruf; and a member of Travel Agents of Brunei and Managing Director of BonAsia Holiday Management Services Caroline Ang.

The session’s panellists agreed that the industry was among the worst-hit sector of the COVID-19 pandemic and faced various challenges including drop in sales due to a lack of local and foreign visitors.

However, they also noted that the pandemic also created opportunities for industry players to look into niche products in the new norm as well as how tour and hotel operators can add value to their products and services.

Participants at the second session. PHOTO: BIBD

The following session titled ‘Promoting Sustainable Practices in the Tourism Industry’ was participated by Dr Gabriel Yong, Environmental Impact Assessment, Environmental Systems and Biomimicry, and Teraja Ecotourism Development Project, Universiti Brunei Darussalam; Richard Ting, Development Manager at The Abode, and Doris Suresh, General Manager at The Abode; and Thye Sing Wong, Founder and CEO of Poni Group.

Speakers at the session highlighted the importance of sustainable tourism which is about creating travel opportunities with minimal impact and positive benefits for destinations and their communities.

They pointed out some of the responsibilities of industry players which not only include protecting the environment, natural resources and wildlife but also providing socio-economic benefits for communities who live in tourist destinations.

The next forum will cover the Education and Non Profit industry in May.

The SME360 SERIES, which runs from January to May 2022, features two industry highlights every month. The series of virtual forums aims to gather thought leaders and industry experts from 10 main business sectors across Brunei in engagement sessions with business owners and stakeholders to discuss the challenges, best practices, perspectives and opportunities to come back stronger.

Kurnia dates distributed to RBPF

James Kon

The ceremony for the distribution of His Majesty Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah Mu’izzaddin Waddaulah ibni Al-Marhum Sultan Haji Omar ‘Ali Saifuddien Sa’adul Khairi Waddien, Sultan and Yang Di-Pertuan of Brunei Darussalam’s personal gift of dates to the Royal Brunei Police Force (RBPF) in conjunction with the month of Ramadhan 1443 Hijrah took place at the Auditorium Hall of RBPF Headquarters in Jalan Tungku yesterday.

Deputy Director of General Administration and Finance Department of RBPF, Assistant Commissioner of Police (ACP) Dato Paduka Haji Awang Mohammad Hassan bin Pehin Penyurat Haji Awang Ahmad handed over the dates.

The ceremony started with the recitation of Surah Al-Fatihah followed by the handing over of His Majesty’s personal gift of dates to staff and personnel through heads of department and formation as well as units within the RBPF.

Also in attendance were commanding officers of police district, head of formations and senior officers of RBPF.

The ceremony concluded with a Doa Selamat led by Imam of Police HQ Surau APO Staf Sarjan 6472 Mohammad Yusri bin Haji Abu Bakar.

Deputy Director of General Administration and Finance Department of RBPF, Assistant Commissioner of Police (ACP) Dato Paduka Haji Awang Mohammad Hassan bin Pehin Penyurat Haji Awang Ahmad handing over the kurnia dates to a recipient. PHOTO: RBPF

Pakistani PM urges Islamic nations to mediate in Ukraine war

ISLAMABAD (AP) – Pakistan’s prime minister urged foreign ministers from Muslim-majority nations to help end Russia’s war in Ukraine, appealing also to China’s top diplomat to join the effort.

Imran Khan spoke at the start of a two-day gathering in Islamabad of the 57-member Organisation of Islamic Cooperation, which for the first time saw the attendance of China’s Foreign Minister, Wang Yi, as a special guest.

The war in Ukraine “could have great consequences for the world”, Khan warned and added that the rest of the planet is “already suffering”, with surging prices of oil, gas and wheat from a region known as the breadbasket of the world.

He urged the ministers to “mediate, try to bring about a cease-fire and an end to the conflict”.

In his speech at the conference, the Chinese foreign minister said China supports Russia and Ukraine continuing peace talks for the sake of a cease-fire, an end to the war and peace. “We need to prevent humanitarian disasters and prevent the spillover of the Ukrainian crisis from affecting or harming the legitimate rights and interests of other regions and countries,” he said.

Wang said after the outbreak of coronavirus, Beijing provided 1.3 billion doses of COVID-19 vaccines and a large amount of supplies to fight the virus to 50 Islamic countries.

Later, Wang met with Khan, according to a government statement.

It said the “two sides discussed the situation in Ukraine and reiterated the imperative need for an immediate cessation of hostilities and continued efforts for a solution through sustained dialogue and diplomacy”.

Pakistan’s Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi met separately with his Chinese counterpart, the ministry said. The two “discussed the situation in Ukraine and reiterated the need for a solution through sustained dialogue and diplomacy”, the ministry said.

Pakistan’s Prime Minister Imran Khan speaks at the start of a two-day gathering of the 57-member Organisation of Islamic Cooperation, at the Parliament House in Islamabad, Pakistan. PHOTO: AP

Above normal rainfall expected in April

Azlan Othman

April expects to see an above normal amount of rainfall, exceeding 34mm.

This was revealed during the virtual weather forum titled ‘Early Warning and Early Action For Stronger Resilience’ to mark World Meteorological Day 2022 yesterday.

The panel members comprised Brunei Darussalam Meteorological Department (BDMD) meteorological officer Nurulinani binti Haji Jahari, National Disaster Management Center (NDMC) disaster management officer Awangku Muhammad Naaim Syafii bin Pengiran Haji Besman and disaster preparedness coordinators (DPC) member Mohamad Sufhidin bin Mohamad Sufian.

The amount of rainfall is expected to be at the normal level of 210mm-310mm in May and 190-290mm in June.

The monsoon transition period also expects to see frequent thunderstorm activities with the risk of flash floods, slippery road conditions and lightning strikes.

The forum included a presentation on the Inter-Monsoon season, which is expected to start earlier than expected.

It was highlighted that the increase in disasters is due to changing climate, population growth, and urbanisation, exposing more and more people and economic assets to hydrometeorological hazards. The saddest part of this is that these disasters claim countless lives annually, despite early warnings being issued.

Minister of Transport and Infocommunications Dato Seri Setia Awang Abdul Mutalib bin Pehin Orang Kaya Seri Setia Dato Paduka Haji Mohd Yusof joins others at the online recitation of Surah Yaasin and Tahlil held in conjunction with World Meteorological Day. PHOTOS: INFOFOTO & SALAWATI HAJI YAHYA
Panellists during the weather forum

“People tend to underestimate the seriousness of weather warnings. There is a lack of appreciation and understanding of the impacts. An accurate and timely weather warning does not guarantee safety of lives,” the members pointed out.

For this reason, the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) has recommended impact-based forecast and warning to be implemented and practiced by national meteorological and hydrological services globally.

Impact-based forecasting involves combining information on hazards, exposure and vulnerability to identify potential impacts and support decision-making.

Long-term forecast information is very important for the initial preparation of the agencies concerned if necessary. For example, if rainfall is expected to increase above the usual amount due to La-Nina conditions, then the agencies and public can make early preparations to face potential floods.

Brunei Darussalam is affected by two types of monsoon cycles – Northeast Monsoon and Southwest Monsoon. Between these two monsoons, the Sultanate experiences the monsoon transition period.

The panellists pointed out, “As we approach the end of March, we can already feel the presence of the monsoon transition period where we experience thunderstorm weather conditions – especially in the evening into the night. The onset of the inter-monsoon is a little early this year.

This transition period is expected to continue until May. The onset of Southwest monsoon is expected to occur around June or possibly late May.

“Around June, the Southwest monsoon is expected to begin, with winds from the southwest becoming more dominant. So the weather will typically move from Miri area and affect Belait District first, before spreading to the districts of Tutong, Brunei-Muara and then Temburong.

Often, there is rain with strong winds, called squally weather. June is also usually the beginning of an active typhoon system.”

World Meteorological Day is marked every March 23 to commemorate the enforcement of the WMO convention in 1950. The celebration also recognises the National Meteorological and Hydrological Service’s contribution to the safety and well -being of communities. Each year, the World Meteorological Day celebration focusses on a theme chosen specifically by the WMO.

The forum aimed to further promote weather warnings and advisory issued by the Weather Forecast Centre and encourage cooperation as well as collaborative efforts between authorities and the community in dealing with natural disasters.

It also aimed to increase public awareness and knowledge of the existing standard operation procedure (SOP) carried out when a natural disaster strikes. Attendees included representatives from weather and climate services user groups, such as those from first and safety responders, economic and industry groups, construction companies, insurance companies, small and medium enterprises as well as the media.

Meanwhile, the Minister of Transport and Infocommunications Dato Seri Setia Awang Abdul Mutalib bin Pehin Orang Kaya Seri Setia Dato Paduka Haji Mohd Yusof attended an online mass recitation of Surah Yaasin and Tahlil held in conjunction with World Meteorological Day.

The afternoon event was followed by the reading of Doa Selamat and Doa seeking protection against COVID-19.

Three firefighters welcome new babies within 24 hours

Ben Hooper

UPI – A Virginia fire station experienced a miniature baby boom when three firefighters became dads at the same hospital within 24 hours.

The Spotsylvania Regional Medical Centre said in a Facebook post that three babies were born within 24 hours at the facility and each father involved works as a firefighter with Fort Belvoir Fire and Emergency Services at Fort Belvoir Army Base.

“We are excited to welcome these little ones into the world,” the post said.

The dads – Kyle Dean, Kyle Frederick and Michael Irvine – said they had joked in the weeks before the births about what it would be like if the three babies ended up sharing a birthday.

“A few weeks before, we were all together at work and talked about it and how crazy it would be – saw each other in the hallways and stuff like that,” Dean told WJLA-TV.

The men said they were pleasantly surprised to discover their wives were all in labour at the same time.

“Once I found out I actually told the nurses. Just a heads up – two of my guys are coming as well and we ended up with the nickname from the nursing staff as the fab three,” Irvine said.

Three firefighters from Fort Belvoir Fire and Emergency Services – Kyle Dean, Kyle Frederick and Michael Irvine – with their babies. PHOTO: SPOTSYLVANIA REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER/FACEBOOK

Kurnia dates distributed for company’s staff, officers

Daniel Lim

Serikandi Group of Companies yesterday distributed kurma kurnia peribadi or dates bestowed as a personal gift from His Majesty Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah Mu’izzaddin Waddaulah ibni Al-Marhum Sultan Haji Omar ‘Ali Saifuddien Sa’adul Khairi Waddien, Sultan and Yang Di-Pertuan of Brunei Darussalam. The company received 951 boxes of the kurma kurnia peribadi (dates) during a ceremony at Yayasan Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah Complex on March 16.

Serikandi Group of Companies Chairman and Managing Director Shaikh Haji Khalid bin Shaikh Haji Ahmad, Serikandi Cafe and Restaurant Managing Director Hajah Latifah binti Ambran and officers from divisions under Serikandi Group of Companies witnessed the distribution yesterday.

Shaikh Haji Khalid expressed gratitude to His Majesty for the personal gift for Muslim staff members, before distributing the dates to division representatives. With the Ramadhan month fast approaching, Serikandi Group of Companies looks forward to aiding the needy as part of its obligation to mark the occasion annually.

ABOVE & BELOW: Serikandi Group of Companies Chairman and Managing Director Shaikh Haji Khalid bin Shaikh Haji Ahmad hands over the dates. PHOTOS: DANIEL LIM

Delving on diversity of languages and dialects in Indonesia

Rokiah Mahmud

The International Malay Language, Literature and Culture Congress Series (KABSBM), held in conjunction with the Language Month organised by the Language and Literature Bureau (DBP), held its third series online yesterday.

Speaker from Indonesia Dr Joni Endardi made a presentation during the session.

DBP Acting Deputy Director Hajah Haireni binti Haji Awang Damit chaired the series.

The event discussed the aspect of culture titled ‘Strategi dan Publikasi Laboratorium Kebinekaan Kebahasaan Tongak Emas Strategi Kebahasaan’.

Among the topics discussed were the diversification of languages and literature in Indonesia.

The diversity of languages and dialects in Indonesia is a special feature. The Pancasila is the philosophy and policy of Indonesia, as well as symbol that contributes to the country’s diversity of languages and dialects.

Some 490 participants attended the KABSBM including Minister of Culture, Youth and Sports Major General (Rtd) Dato Paduka Seri Haji Aminuddin Ihsan bin Pehin Orang Kaya Saiful Mulok Dato Seri Paduka Haji Abidin, Acting Permanent Secretary (Strategy and Policy Management) at the Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports (MCYS) Dr Siti Norkhalbi binti Haji Wahsalfelah, local and foreign presenters, DBP’s strategic partners, senior government officials and language enthusiasts.

The KABSBM highlighted ‘Bahasa Jiwa Bangsa’ as the theme supported by DBP’s strategic partners including Universiti Brunei Darussalam (UBD), Universiti Islam Sultan Sharif Ali (UNISSA), Religious Teachers University College of Seri Begawan (KUPU SB), Brunei Youth Council (BYC); Brunei Darussalam Association of Writers (Asterawani) Brunei and Putra Seni
Group (KPS).

Dr Joni Endardi and DBP Acting Deputy Director Hajah Haireni binti Haji Awang Damit. PHOTOS: DBP
Attendees at the session

36-million-year-old whale fossil found in Peruvian desert

LIMA (AFP) – Palaeontologists last Thursday unveiled the fossilised remains of an ancient whale that inhabited the seas 36 million years ago, found last year in a Peruvian desert.

“We have presented the new Peruvian basilosaurus, it is the complete skull of an archaic whale that lived 36 million years ago,” palaeontologist Mario Urbina, head of the team that discovered the skeleton, told AFP.

Urbina said the basilosaurus was found at the end of 2021 in the Ocucaje Desert in the Ica department, about 350 kilometres south of Lima. The desolate landscape was a shallow sea millions of years ago, and its dunes have yielded large numbers of striking primitive sea mammal remains.

The ‘Ocucaje Predator’, as the researchers dubbed it, was about 17 metres long and used its massive, powerful teeth to feed on tuna, sharks and schools of sardines.

“This finding is very important because there are no other similar specimens discovered in the world,” said Urbina, a researcher at the National University of San Marcos, in Lima.

Team member Rodolfo Salas-Gismondi explained the basilosaurus differs from other known ancient whale species by its size and the development of its teeth, both of which indicate the animal was likely at the top of the food chain.

The skull of a basilosaurus, an ancient whale, is seen in Lima, Peru on March 17. PHOTO: AFP

“This is an extraordinary find because of its great state of preservation,” he told AFP. “This animal was one of the largest predators of its time.”

“At that time the Peruvian sea was warm,” added Salas-Gismondi, who heads the Department of Vertebrate Palaeontology at the Natural History Museum in Lima. “Thanks to this type of fossil, we can reconstruct the history of the Peruvian sea.”

The first cetaceans, like the basilosaurus, evolved from land animals some 55 million years ago.

By the late Eocene period (between 56 million and 34 million years ago), cetaceans had fully adapted to marine life.

Whales had not yet evolved, and almost all cetaceans were marine macropredators, according to the research team.

The Ocucaje Desert is rich in fossils, the researchers said, providing scientists with 42 million years’ worth of evolutionary evidence.

Other fossils found there include four-legged dwarf whales, dolphins, sharks and other species from the Miocene period (between 23 million and five million years ago).

No survivors found in China Eastern crash

WUZHOU, CHINA (AP) – Mud-stained wallets. Bank cards. Official identity cards. Poignant reminders of 132 lives presumed lost were lined up by rescue workers scouring a remote Chinese mountainside on Tuesday for the wreckage of a China Eastern flight that one day earlier inexplicably fell from the sky and burst into a huge fireball.

No survivors have been found among the 123 passengers and nine crew members. Video clips posted by China’s state media show small pieces of the Boeing 737-800 plane scattered over a wide forested area, some in green fields, others in burnt-out patches with raw earth exposed after fires burned in the trees. Each piece of debris has a number next to it, the larger ones marked off by police tape.

The steep, rough terrain and the huge size of the debris field were complicating the search for the black box, which holds the flight data and cockpit voice recorder, CCTV and the official Xinhua News Agency said. Drones were being used to search the fragments of wreckage that were scattered across both sides of the mountain into which the plane crashed, state media reported.

At an evening news conference, Director of the Office of Aviation Safety at the Civil Aviation Authority of China Zhu Tao said efforts were focussed on finding the black box and that it was too early to speculate on a possible cause of the crash.

“As of now, the rescue has yet to find survivors,” Zhu said. “The public security department has taken control of the site.”

Rescuers conduct search operations at the site of the plane crash in Tengxian County in southern China’s Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region. PHOTO: AP

China Eastern flight 5735 crashed outside the city of Wuzhou in the Guangxi region while flying from Kunming, the capital of the southwestern province of Yunnan, to Guangzhou. No foreigners were on board the lost flight, the Foreign Ministry said, citing a preliminary review.

The nation’s first fatal plane crash in more than a decade dominated China’s news and social media.

World leaders including Great Britain’s Boris Johnson, India’s Narendra Modi and Canada’s Justin Trudeau posted condolences on Twitter.

The plane was about an hour into its flight, at an altitude of 29,000 feet, when it entered a steep, fast dive around 2.20pm, according to data from The plane plunged to 7,400 feet before briefly regaining about 1,200 feet in altitude, then dove again.

The plane stopped transmitting data 96 seconds after starting to dive.