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North Korean leader’s sister vows second attempt to launch spy satellite, slams UN meeting

Kim Yo Jong attends a wreath-laying ceremony at Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum in Hanoi, Vietnam, on March 2, 2019. PHOTO: AP

SEOUL, South Korea (AP) – The influential sister of North Korean leader Kim Jong Un vowed again Sunday to push for a second attempt to launch a spy satellite as she lambasted a UN Security Council meeting over the North’s first, failed launch.

The North’s attempt to put its first military spy satellite into orbit last Wednesday failed as its rocket crashed off the Korean Peninsula’s western coast. An emergency meeting of the UN Security Council was still convened at the request of the US, Japan and other countries to discuss the launch because it had violated council resolutions banning the North from performing any launch using ballistic technology.

On Sunday, Kim’s sister and senior ruling party official, Kim Yo Jong, called the UN council “a political appendage” of the United States, saying its recent meeting was convened following America’s “gangster-like request.”

She accused the UN council of being “discriminative and rude” because it only takes issue with the North’s satellite launches while thousands of satellites launched by other countries are already operating in space. She said her country’s attempt to acquire a spy satellite is a legitimate step to respond to military threats posed by the US and its allies.

“(North Korea) will continue to take proactive measures to exercise all the lawful rights of a sovereign state, including the one to a military reconnaissance satellite launch,” Kim Yo Jong said in a statement carried by state media.

In her earlier statement Friday, Kim Yo Jong said the North’s spy satellite “will be correctly put on space orbit in the near future” but didn’t say when its second launch attempt would take place.

Kim Yo Jong attends a wreath-laying ceremony at Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum in Hanoi, Vietnam, on March 2, 2019. PHOTO: AP

South Korea’s spy agency told lawmakers Wednesday it will likely take “more than several weeks” for North Korea to learn the cause of the failed launch but it may attempt a second launch soon if defects aren’t serious.

Washington, Seoul and others criticized the North’s satellite launch for raising international tensions and urged it to return to talks.

A military surveillance satellite is among a list of sophisticated weapons systems that Kim Jong Un has vowed to acquire amid protracted security tensions with the United States. Since the start of 2022, Kim has carried out more than 100 missile tests in what he called a warning over expanded military drills between the US and South Korea.

Experts say Kim would want to use his modernized weapons arsenal to wrest concessions from Washington and its partners in future diplomacy.

North Korea was slapped with rounds of UN sanctions over its past nuclear and missile tests and satellite launches. But the UN Security Council failed to toughen those sanctions over North Korea’s recent testing activities because China and Russia, both permanent members of the UN council, blocked the US and others’ attempts to do so. During the latest UN council session Friday, China and Russia again clashed with the US over the North’s failed launch.

After repeated failures, North Korea placed Earth-observation satellites into orbit in 2012 and 2016, but foreign experts say there is no evidence that either satellite transmitted imagery and other data.

Also Sunday, North Korea threatened not to notify the International Maritime Organization (IMO) of future satellite launches in advance to protest the group’s condemnation of North Korean missile tests.

The IMO’s maritime safety committee on Wednesday adopted a rare resolution denouncing North Korea for conducting launches without proper notification that “seriously threatened the safety of seafarers and international shipping.”

Kim Myong Chol, an international affairs analyst in North Korea, said in a statement carried by state media: “In the future, IMO should know and take measures by itself over the period of (North Korea’s) satellite launch and the impact point of its carrier and be prepared to take full responsibility for all the consequences from it.”

Ahead of its recent spy satellite launch, North Korea told the IMO and Japan that a launch would occur between May 31 and June 11.

Shenzhou XV crew lands in Inner Mongolia

The return capsule of the Shenzhou XV manned spaceship, carrying astronauts Fei Junlong, Deng Qingming and Zhang Lu, touched down at the Dongfeng landing site in North China's Inner Mongolia autonomous region safely on Sunday. PHOTO: XINHUA

BEIJING (XINHUA) – The Shenzhou XV mission crew returned to Earth on Sunday morning after a six-month mission that witnessed the completion of the Tiangong space station.

A reentry capsule carrying the crew members — Mission Commander Major General Fei Junlong, Senior Colonel Deng Qingming and Senior Colonel Zhang Lu — touched down on Earth at the Dongfeng Landing Site in northwestern China’s Gobi Desert at 6.33am after flying for nine hours in a reentry trajectory.

Ground recovery personnel soon opened the hatch of the capsule and conducted a preliminary examination of the astronauts’ condition.

The crew members told ground controllers in Beijing via radio that they had safely landed and were “feeling pretty good”.

The return capsule of the Shenzhou XV manned spaceship, carrying astronauts Fei Junlong, Deng Qingming and Zhang Lu, touched down at the Dongfeng landing site in North China’s Inner Mongolia autonomous region safely on Sunday. PHOTO: XINHUA

After preparatory work, ground personnel carried the astronauts out of the capsule one by one to place them on chairs in front of the capsule.

While seated, the astronauts shared their feelings and thoughts with a reporter from China Central Television in a live program.

Fei, who was on his second spaceflight, said his crew has completed all of their tasks before returning safely to the motherland and all of them “are in good condition”.

Deng, the last in the first generation of Chinese astronauts to go to space, told the State broadcaster that he was very happy to return to “the embrace of Earth and my motherland” and see so many friends.

“At this moment, I wish to thank all Chinese people for their attention, support and encouragement. I also want to thank all space industry workers involved in this mission for their company over the past over 180 days,” he said.

Deng trained 25 years only to wait for an opportunity to fly into space, becoming an icon of Chinese astronauts’ perseverance and devotion.

Sitting in front of the landing capsule, Deng said his experiences over the past 25 years had reinforced his belief in the power of dream and persistence.

“No matter how old I am, knowing that I could be summoned to serve the motherland is always the happiest thing to me,” he said.

Zhang recalled that he often tried to spot China, his hometown in Hunan province as well as the Dongting Lake when the Tiangong space station flew over the country.

“Though these places were often hidden by thick clouds, they were always in my heart and mind. We will go back to training as soon as our body condition permits. We will always be ready to return to space to contribute to this great ‘New Era’ and fulfill the duties given by the Party and the people,” he said.

After the interview, the astronauts were moved into special vehicles for health checks.

Over the next couple of hours, they were to be transferred to a nearby airport, where they would board a jet to fly back to Beijing.

As the fourth group to go to the Chinese station, Fei and his teammates were launched from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center in northwestern China on November 29 and entered the space station the next day to meet their Shenzhou XIV peers. The two crews’ meeting marked the first time six Chinese people were traveling in outer space at the same time and also the first in-orbit handover between two Chinese crews.

By Saturday night, they had stayed in orbit for 186 days.

During their stay, the Tiangong was announced to be completed at the end of 2022.

The Shenzhou XV team carried out four spacewalks and installed a host of equipment outside the Tiangong, becoming the most experienced Chinese crew in terms of extravehicular activity. They also conducted dozens of science experiments and technology tests and obtained a great deal of data.

Before setting out on their return trip, Fei’s team configured the Tiangong, transmitted science data back to Earth and sorted and transferred materials between the station and their spaceship.

On Friday afternoon, a brief handover ceremony took place inside Tiangong, with Fei and his crew members formally giving control of the massive station to the Shenzhou XVI flight team that arrived on Tuesday.

On Saturday night, the Shenzhou XV astronauts moved into their spacecraft and left the Tiangong space station at 9.29pm.

Their successors, the Shenzhou XVI crew — mission commander Major General Jing Haipeng, Colonel Zhu Yangzhu and Professor Gui Haichao, who is the first Chinese civilian in space — will run the Tiangong, one of the largest pieces of infrastructure ever deployed in Earth’s orbit, for five months and are scheduled to return in November.

Three Israeli soldiers, Egyptian officer killed in gunbattle at the border

An ambulance rushes out of a military base following a deadly shootout in southern Israel along the Egyptian border on Saturday. PHOTO: AP

JERUSALEM (AP) – A gunbattle along Israel’s southern border with Egypt left three Israeli soldiers and an Egyptian officer dead Saturday, officials said. It was a rare instance of deadly violence along the frontier.

Israel said the Egyptian border guard crossed into Israel and killed the three soldiers before he was fatally shot by troops. Egypt said he had been chasing drug smugglers when he entered Israel.

Israel and Egypt have been at peace for over 40 years and have strong security cooperation. Fighting between the sides is extremely rare.

Lieutanant Colonel Richard Hecht, an Israeli army spokesperson, said the fighting began overnight when soldiers thwarted a drug-smuggling attempt across the border.

He said several hours later, two soldiers in a guard post were shot and killed. Their bodies were found after the shooting, when they did not respond to radio communications.

The army said the Egyptian border guard was killed in a second exchange of fire in which a third Israeli soldier was killed.

The Egyptian military said an Egyptian border guard crossed the border security barrier and exchanged fire with Israeli forces while he was chasing drug traffickers. It said in a statement that the Egyptian border guard was killed along with three Israeli troops.

Hecht said an investigation was being conducted in full cooperation with the Egyptian army. He said troops were searching for other possible assailants.

An ambulance rushes out of a military base following a deadly shootout in southern Israel along the Egyptian border on Saturday. PHOTO: AP

Egypt’s Defense Minister General Mohamed Zaki spoke by phone with his Israeli counterpart to discuss the shooting on the border, and “the mutual coordination to take measures to prevent such incidents in the future,” the Egyptian military said in a statement. The Egyptian minister also offered condolences for the dead Israeli troops, it said.

It was the first deadly exchange of fire along the Israel-Egypt border in over a decade.

The Israeli army said one of the killed soldiers was a woman.

Criminals sometimes smuggle drugs across the border, while Islamic militant groups are also active in Egypt’s restive north Sinai.

Israel and Egypt signed a peace agreement in 1979 and maintain close security ties. Fighting along their shared border is rare.

The exchange of fire reportedly took place around the Nitzana border crossing between Israel and Egypt. The crossing is located about 40 kilometres (25 miles) southeast of the point where Israel’s border with Egypt and the Gaza Strip converge. It’s used to import goods from Egypt destined for Israel or the Hamas-ruled Gaza Strip.

Israel built a fence along the porous border a decade ago to halt the entry of African migrants and Islamic militants who are active in Egypt’s Sinai desert.

Death toll from Senegal protests rises to 15 as opposition supporters clash with police

Demonstrators throw rocks at police during a protest in Dakar, Senegal on Saturday. The clashes first broke out, later this week, after opposition leader Ousmane Sonko was convicted of corrupting youth and sentenced to two years in prison. PHOTO: AP

DAKAR, Senegal (AP) – The number of people killed in days of clashes between Senegalese police and supporters of opposition leader Ousmane Sonko has now risen to 15, including two security officers, the government said on Saturday.

While Dakar was calmer on Saturday, clashes continued into the evening. In residential neighborhoods, protesters threw rocks at police, barricaded roads and set tires on fire. The army patrolled the streets as police fired tear gas at the demonstrators, inspecting and detaining people deemed to be causing trouble.

Residents peered over the rooftops of buildings, both shielding for cover and watching the clashes.

The clashes first broke out on Thursday, after Sonko was convicted of corrupting youth but acquitted on charges of raping a woman who worked at a massage parlor and making death threats against her. Sonko, who didn’t attend his trial in Dakar, was sentenced to two years in prison. His lawyer said a warrant hadn’t yet been issued for his arrest.

Sonko came third in Senegal’s 2019 presidential election and is popular with the country’s youth. His supporters maintain his legal troubles are part of a government effort to derail his candidacy in the 2024 presidential election.

Sonko is considered President Macky Sall’s main competition and has urged Sall to state publicly that he won’t seek a third term in office.

The international community has called on Senegal’s government to resolve the tensions. France’s ministry for Europe and foreign affairs said it was “extremely concerned by the violence” and called for a resolution to this crisis, in keeping with Senegal’s long democratic tradition.

Rights groups have condemned the government crackdown, which has included arbitrary arrests and restrictions on social media. Some social media sites used by demonstrators to incite violence, such as Facebook, WhatsApp and Twitter have been suspended, for nearly two days.

The U.S. State Department issued a statement deploring the violence.

“Senegal’s strong record of democratic governance, rule of law, and peaceful coexistence is something for which the Senegalese people can be rightfully proud. We urge all parties to voice their views in a peaceful manner,” departmental spokesperson Matthew Miller said.

Senegalese are blaming the government for the violence and the loss of lives.

One woman, Seynabou Diop, told The Associated Press on Saturday that her 21-year-old son, Khadim, was killed in the protests, shot by a bullet to the chest.

“I feel deep pain. What’s happening is hard. Our children are dying. I never thought I’d have to go through this,” she said.

This was the first time her son, a disciplined and kind mechanic, had joined in the protests, rushing out of the house as soon as he heard Sonko was convicted, she said.

“I think Macky Sall is responsible. If he’d talked to the Senegalese people, especially young people, maybe we wouldn’t have all these problems,” said Diop. The Associated Press cannot verify the cause of death. The family said an autopsy was underway.

Demonstrators throw rocks at police during a protest in Dakar, Senegal on Saturday. The clashes first broke out, later this week, after opposition leader Ousmane Sonko was convicted of corrupting youth and sentenced to two years in prison. PHOTO: AP

Corrupting young people, which includes using one’s position of power to have sex with people under the age of 21, is a criminal offense in Senegal, punishable by up to five years in prison and a fine of up to USD6,000.

Under Senegalese law, Sonko’s conviction would bar him from running in next year’s election, said Bamba Cisse, another defence lawyer. However, the government said that Sonko could ask for a retrial once he was imprisoned. It was unclear when he would be taken into custody.

If violence continues, it could threaten the country’s institutions, say analysts.

“Never in their worst forms of nightmare (would) Senegalese have thought of witnessing the prevailing forms of apocalyptic and irrational violence,” said Alioune Tine, founder of Afrikajom Center, a West African think tank.

“The most shared feeling about the current situation is fear, stress, exhaustion and helplessness. Thus what the people are now seeking for is peace,” he said.

The West African country has been seen as a bastion of democratic stability in the region.

Sonko hasn’t been heard from or seen since the verdict. In a statement Friday, his PASTEF-Patriots party called on Senegalese to “amplify and intensify the constitutional resistance” until President Sall leaves office.

Government spokesman Abdou Karim Fofana said the damage caused by months of demonstrations had cost the country millions of dollars. He argued the protesters posed a threat to democracy.

“These calls (to protest), it’s a bit like the anti-republican nature of all these movements that hide behind social networks and don’t believe in the foundations of democracy, which are elections, freedom of expression, but also the resources that our (legal) system offers,” Fofana said.

Manchester City beats Manchester United 2-1 in FA Cup final to complete second leg of treble bid

Manchester City players celebrate after winning the English FA Cup final soccer match between Manchester City and Manchester United at Wembley Stadium in London on Saturday. PHOTO: AP

LONDON (AP) – The second leg of Manchester City’s treble mission is secure.

Add the FA Cup, after a 2-1 win over great rival Manchester United on Saturday, to its latest Premier League title.

Now only a first ever Champions League title stands between City and immortality in English soccer.

“We’re in a position,” City manager Pep Guardiola said, “that we’ll probably never be in again.”

Ilkay Gundogan scored two goals — the first inside 13 seconds, for the quickest in 142 years of FA Cup finals — to lead City to a 16th trophy since 2011 in what is looking like the crowning season in the tenure of Abu Dhabi’s ruling family.

If the Germany midfielder’s opener, a perfectly executed volley from the edge of area, was probably his best goal of his seven years at City, his 51st-minute winner at Wembley Stadium might be one of his scrappiest.

This time it was a volley with his left foot after being picked out by Kevin De Bruyne’s free kick from the right wing. The ball bobbled between two United defenders and squirmed past goalkeeper David De Gea, who might have been slightly unsighted but should have done better.

Manchester City players celebrate after winning the English FA Cup final soccer match between Manchester City and Manchester United at Wembley Stadium in London on Saturday. PHOTO: AP

United was looking to protect its proud status as the only team to win the league-FA Cup-European Cup treble, in 1999, and equalized against the run of play through a penalty by Bruno Fernandes in the 33rd minute.

Late pressure saw United hit the crossbar through Raphael Varane. The team needs a favor from Inter Milan in the Champions League final in Istanbul next Saturday to thwart’s City’s treble bid.

“What a privilege — we are one game away,” Guardiola said.

City’s class of 2023 became the 13th team in English soccer history to clinch a league-and-FA Cup double. It has happened twice under Guardiola, who has won 13 trophies in his seven years at the club and 34 in his managerial career.

The latest haul of titles has come in the same season the club was charged by the Premier League with more than 100 breaches of financial rules. City denies the charges and the players certainly weren’t thinking of them after the final whistle blew as they ran from the halfway line and jumped for joy in front of their fans waving blue and white flags.

Right at the heart of the celebrations was Gundogan, who — as it stands — will be leaving City after the Champions League final because he is out of contract. He would depart as a club great and a FA Cup record-breaker.

The opening goal was timed by British broadcaster BBC at 12.91 seconds and came after Gundogan, City’s captain, took the kickoff himself. He passed the ball back to goalkeeper Stefan Ortega, who booted it forward for Erling Haaland to flick on. United defender Victor Lindelof could only partially clear to Gundogan, who volleyed in right-footed from 20 meters.

“We aimed for that, to aim for Erling and to try to get the second ball quick,” Gundogan said.

The goal jolted United, which was outplayed until a controversial decision to award a penalty against Jack Grealish for handball as he raised his arms while jumping to block a header into the box by United defender Aaron Wan-Bissaka. Play continued and there were few on-field appeals by United’s players, but the incident was reviewed by VAR and a penalty was awarded after the referee looked at the pitchside monitor.

Fernandes sauntered up to the ball and sent Ortega the wrong way.

Gundogan ultimately had the final say, just like he did in City’s final game of last season when he scored two late goals to complete a turnaround from 2-0 down against Aston Villa and clinch the Premier League with a 3-2 win.

United was looking to clinch a double of domestic trophies in Erik ten Hag’s first year in charge, having won the League Cup in February, but more importantly ensure its class of 1999’s legacy was preserved.

The 142nd FA Cup final — the first between the two Manchester clubs — was largely one-sided, though, and Ten Hag conceded his team was beaten by “the best team in the world.”

United’s players stayed on the field and watched as City walked up the steps to collect their winners’ medals from Prince William.

“You have to feel it in your stomach,” Ten Hag said. “It has to be the fuel.”

All roads lead to Istanbul as Guardiola and City chase another piece of history.

“We have to win the Champions League,” he said, “to be recognized how the team deserves to be recognized.”

We have no doubts about Benzema staying: Madrid’s Ancelotti

MADRID (AFP) – Real Madrid coach Carlo Ancelotti indicated yesterday he expected Karim Benzema (AFP, pic below) to stay at the club despite recent links to a Saudi Arabia move.

“Benzema is ready to play tomorrow (against Athletic Bilbao in the final league game of the season), he has recovered very well, he has a year on his contract, so we have no doubts here,” Ancelotti told a news conference.

“The club’s legends have to retire at Real Madrid. I think that’s what all the fans and the club think, but then there’s the thinking of the player.”

Reports emerged during the week about Benzema being set to move to a Saudi club, but the player himself dismissed them on Thursday when speaking at an awards ceremony.

“Why am I going to talk about the future, if I’m in Madrid? What talks is the Internet and reality is not the Internet,” Benzema said.

However Ancelotti said there will be some departures and arrivals at the Santiago Bernabeu this summer. “It’s going to be a squad with some different players, but it’s going to be competitive,” he said.

The Italian coach would not go any further, beyond confirming the arrival of Rayo Vallecano defender Fran Garcia, as reported months previously.

Ancelotti avoided talking about Madrid’s alleged interest in England and Tottenham striker Harry Kane.

“I’m not going to talk about the future of the squad that is in place,” said Ancelotti.

“Kane is a great player, he is a Tottenham player, we have to respect the player and Tottenham.”

Sergio Ramos joins Messi in leaving PSG

Sergio Ramos. PHOTO: AFP

PARIS (AFP) – French champions Paris Saint-Germain announced that veteran former Spain defender Sergio Ramos will join Lionel Messi in leaving the club at the end of the season.

Ramos, 37, arrived in French capital in 2021 after a trophy-laden spell with Real Madrid, lifting the Champions League on four time.

“We would like to express our immense gratitude to Sergio Ramos for the two years he has spent with us,” PSG president Nasser Al-Khelaifi said in a statement.

“Sergio’s leadership, team spirit and professionalism, combined with his experience at the highest level, make him a true football legend, and it was an honour to have him in Paris.

“Everyone at the club wishes him all the best,” Al-Khelaifi added.

The announcement came less than 24 hours before PSG’s final game of the Ligue 1 season as they host Clermont.

Sergio Ramos. PHOTO: AFP

Ramos follows Argentina’s 2022 World Cup winner Messi out of the Parc des Princes door with reports also linking Brazil’s Neymar with a departure.

“Tomorrow is a special day, tomorrow I will say goodbye to another stage of my life, goodbye to @psg,” Ramos said on social media.

“I don’t know in how many places one can feel at home, but without a doubt PSG, the fans, and Paris were one of them for me.

“Thank you for two special years in which I was able play in every tournament and give my all,” he added.

The ex-Sevilla defender won Ligue 1 twice in Paris, playing 57 games and his PSG contract will end on June 30.

Forty-four of those appearances came this campaign after a first season, with Mauricio Pochettino in charge, was plagued by injury.

Ramos and Messi arrived in the same summer eyeing a Champions League title with PSG but they were knocked out in the last 16 of both editions. Messi has been linked with moves to Inter Miami and a club in Saudi Arabia as well as a return to Barcelona.

Later on Friday, newspaper L’Equipe claimed PSG boss Christophe Galthier will also say goodbye to the club after this weekend’s fixture.

‘Greater stability will boost Australian hopes’

Australia’s Marnus Labuschagne in action. PHOTO: CNA

CNA – Batsman Marnus Labuschagne believes Australia will benefit from increased stability in their Ashes squad as they prepare to face England in the first test of the series later this month.

The Australians take on India in a one-off match in the world test championship at the Oval in London on Wednesday before beginning the latest five-test Ashes series against the English at Edgbaston on June 12.

The series comes four years after the old rivals shared a 2-2 draw on English soil, when the Australian team was in a state of flux following the return of former captain Steve Smith, David Warner and Cameron Bancroft to the squad.

The trio had been banned due to their involvement in a ball-tampering scandal in South Africa in 2018 and, with those distractions behind them, Labuschagne is confident Australia will be better prepared.

“In 2019, we weren’t as set on the team and there was probably a lot more questions about people coming back in,” Labuschagne said.

Australia’s Marnus Labuschagne in action. PHOTO: CNA

“That was Steve, Dave and Cameron’s first entry back into test cricket, there wasn’t that much stability, even with our bowlers.

“We played three or four different bowling attacks in three games, so there’s a lot more clarity around our team which I think creates that consistency… It creates the preparation instead of people playing for spots and thinking that they’re vying for a position. Everyone knows where they sit, so we can prepare and get ourselves ready.”

Labuschagne’s test career sparked to life during the 2019 series when he was introduced in the second test at Lord’s as a concussion replacement for Smith, going on to score 59 runs in a drawn match.

He helped the Australians retain the Ashes before playing a prominent role in the 4-0 series victory over the English in Australia in 2021/22.

“In 2019, I felt like I almost had to prove to people I was good enough,” he said.

“For me now, it’s just about making sure I do my role in the side and work out ways to score runs, it doesn’t matter what the conditions are.

“Mentally I’m as hungry as ever and want us to win this series … I really feel like we let one slip last time we were here, and hopefully we can amend that.”

‘Nothing matters’: Attitude adjustment helps Tsitsipas rediscover his rhythm

CNA – Stefanos Tsitsipas (CNA, pic below) said he is getting back to his best by easing the burden on his shoulders and playing without any expectations as he cruised into the fourth round of the French Open with a 6-2 6-2 6-3 victory over Diego Schwartzman.

Once considered the rising star to take on the mantle as the “Big Three” – Roger Federer, Rafa Nadal and Novak Djokovic – give way to a new generation, 24-year-old Tsitsipas has yet to win a Grand Slam.

The Greek lost two major finals to Djokovic, including this year’s Australian Open title clash, and has seen younger players like Carlos Alcaraz emerge and rise to world number one.

But Tsitsipas said he changed his mindset to play with a carefree attitude and not focus on the result, which helped him beat claycourt specialist Schwartzman in straight sets.

“I’ve produced some really good tennis when I’m at a psychological state of ‘nothing matters and I don’t care anymore’. And I just want to play it, I don’t care what the outcome will be,” Tsitsipas told reporters.

“And (in) moments like this, I have broken back. I’ve suddenly found my rhythm back into the game. I guess there is lack of expectation, lack of thought… when you’re out there because you’re constantly analysing every decision.

“When you let go of that, when you – I don’t like using that word because I’ve never really done it in a tennis match – when you kind of ‘tank’, for some players it can be very beneficial and help them play better in a way.”

Tsitsipas was at his sublime best against Schwartzman, firing 34 winners past the Argentine, including one of the shots of the tournament – a sliding backhand winner around the post that drew a roar from the crowd.

“We never practice that, it was a one-off,” he said with a laugh. “It was the very last millisecond when I decided, ‘You know what, forget the net, we don’t need it on that particular occasion.’

“I saw there was a gap there I could utilise and it just went through. It was a very good, satisfying feeling getting that winner down the line… It felt like hitting a home run.”

Fijian Drua outclass Queensland Reds to book Super Rugby finals berth

SUVA, FIJI (AFP) – Fijian Drua became the first Pacific Island-based team to reach the Super Rugby knockout stages after scoring six tries in a rampant 41-17 win over the Queensland Reds in Suva yesterday.

Roared on by a passionate crowd, Drua produced the most commanding of their six wins this season, lifting them from 10th to seventh in the standings.

It ensures the Fijian outfit will finish the regular season in seventh or eighth place, setting up a quarter-final in New Zealand next week against the top-qualifying Waikato Chiefs or the defending champion Canterbury Crusaders, who qualified second for the finals series.

The result eliminates the Otago Highlanders from contention and leaves the eighth-placed Reds vulnerable.

It was a fifth home win in six matches for Drua, who were introduced to the newly named Super Rugby Pacific last year, alongside Moana Pasifika, who comprise players with Samoan and Tongan heritage.

The two newcomers held down the bottom two places in 2022 and while Moana have gone winless this season, Drua unleashed an exciting brand of attacking rugby.

Some players were in tears after the full-time whistle and their effort was praised by captain Meli Derenalagi. “You can see how happy we are right now,” he told broadcaster Sky Sport.

The Reds led 17-12 late in the first half thanks to tries to forwards Ryan Smith and Fraser McReight but didn’t score again, spending long periods of the second half trying to contain a stream of unrelenting Drua runners.

Despite wet conditions, the hosts scored three tries in each half, with fullback Selestino Ravutaumada setting the scene with an early score from a charge down.

The game was still in the balance entering the final quarter before hooker Tevita Ikanivere and flanker Joseva Tamani scored.