Thursday, July 4, 2024
26 C
Brunei Town

His Majesty to hold state visit to the Republic of Turkiye

His Majesty Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah Mu’izzaddin Waddaulah ibni Al-Marhum Sultan Haji Omar ‘Ali Saifuddien Sa’adul Khairi Waddien, Sultan and Yang Di-Pertuan of Brunei Darussalam will hold a state visit to the Republic of Turkiye from March 6 to 9.

His Majesty is expected to meet President of the Republic of Turkiye Recep Tayyip Erdoğan to discuss matters of mutual interest towards strengthening bilateral cooperation before witnessing the signing of documents between the Government of Brunei and the Government of the Republic of Turkiye.

His Majesty’s state visit reaffirms the close bilateral relations between the two countries since the establishment of diplomatic relations on June 27, 1984, and promotes greater cooperation, including in the fields of trade and investment, education, culture and defence.

His Majesty last visited the Republic of Turkiye for a state visit from April 7 to 11, 2012. His Majesty also attended the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) Summits in Istanbul on April 14 and 15, 2016 and December 12 and 13, 2017, in which the Republic of Turkiye was the OIC Chairman.

His Majesty Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah Mu’izzaddin Waddaulah ibni Al-Marhum Sultan Haji Omar ‘Ali Saifuddien Sa’adul Khairi Waddien, Sultan and Yang Di-Pertuan of Brunei Darussalam and President of the Republic of Turkiye Recep Tayyip Erdoğan during the opening ceremony of the 13th Organization of Islamic Cooperation Summit. PHOTO: INFOFOTO

Weighty issue

Azlan Othman

The proportion of obese adults in the Sultanate is expected to increase by an average of 4.2 per cent a year between 2020 and 2035, to an alarming 33 per cent.

Rates in children are forecast to grow by 4.4 per cent per year over this period, to more than 40 per cent, according to a new The World Obesity Atlas 2023 analysis by the World Obesity Federation.

Overweight and obesity are likely to impact the nation’s gross domestic product (GDP) by 2.2 per cent.

However, the report said the Sultanate is fairly good in its preparation to tackle the issue and ranked 57th out of 183 countries. The report predicts that the global economic impact of overweight and obesity will reach USD4.32 trillion annually by 2035 if prevention and treatment measures do not improve.

At almost three per cent of global GDP, this is comparable with the impact of COVID-19 in 2020. The majority of the global population (51 per cent, or over four billion people) will be overweight or obese by 2035 if current trends prevail. One in four people (nearly two billion) will have obesity.

Childhood obesity could more than double by 2035 (from 2020 levels). Rates are predicted to double among boys to 208 million and more than double among girls to 175 million (125 per cent increase) and are rising more rapidly among children than adults.

Lower income countries are facing rapid increases in obesity prevalence. Of the 10 countries with the greatest expected increases in obesity globally (for both adults and children), nine of those are from low or lower-middle income countries. All are from either Asia or Africa.

Every single region will see an increase in economic impact by 2035, with the Americas (North, Central and South America) shouldering the highest costs as a proportion of GDP (3.7 per cent) and the Western Pacific region the highest total costs (USD1.56 trillion).

The report emphasises the importance of developing comprehensive national action plans to prevent and treat obesity and support people affected by the disease.

It also acknowledged the impact of climate change, COVID-19 restrictions, new pandemics, and chemical pollutants on obesity and warned that without ambitious and coordinated action to address systemic issues, obesity rates could rise still further.

President of the World Obesity Federation Professor Louise Baur said: “This year’s Atlas is a clear warning that by failing to address obesity today, we risk serious repercussions in the future.

“It is particularly worrying to see obesity rates rising fastest among children and adolescents. Governments and policymakers around the world need to do all they can to avoid passing health, social, and economic costs on to the younger generation.

“That means looking urgently at the systems and root factors that contribute to obesity, and actively involving young people in the solutions. If we act together now, we have the opportunity to help billions of people in the future.”

Cyclist loses appeal in lawsuit against RBPF driver

Fadley Faisal

The Intermediate Court on February 13 dismissed an appeal by a cyclist who filed a lawsuit against a policeman, in official capacity, out of a road traffic accident.

Appellant and plaintiff Rustam Effendi bin Haji Minir Absah, represented by Nuramalina binti Abdul Latif of Messrs Sandhu and Co, filed the suit against defendant and respondent Muhammad Khairuddin bin Abdullah Ringgit, represented by Zainidi bin Haji Abdul Hamid and Sharah binti Abdul Hamid of Messrs ZS Legal.

The case arose from a road traffic accident at the roundabout of Jalan Singa Menteri/Pandan 5 on March 9, 2017.

The appellant was riding his bicycle along the roundabout when a collision occurred between him and the respondent driving a police car.

It was then set aside leading to Rustam Effendi’s appeal.

In the appeal heard by Judge Harnita Zelda Skinner, he stated that the Court Registrar had wrongly set aside the Judgement in Default obtained in his case against the respondent for the road traffic collision between himself as a cyclist and the respondent who was driving a Brunei Government car in the course of his duty.

The appellant admitted in his Statement of Claim that the motor vehicle driven by the respondent belonged to the Royal Brunei Police Force (RBPF) and that at all material time, the respondent was a driver of the RBPF.

The appellant argued that when the accident occurred, the respondent no longer had the protection of the immunity against court proceedings under Article 84B (2) of the Constitution of Brunei Darussalam.

He argued that the accident was committed by the respondent in his personal capacity and not in his official capacity.

The respondents cited Article 84B (2) of the Constitution which provides that “Any person acting on behalf, or under the authority, of His Majesty the Sultan and Yang Di-Pertuan of Brunei Darussalam shall not be liable to any proceedings whatsoever in any court in respect of anything done or omitted to have been done by him in his official capacity”.

It was also the appellant’s argument that the respondent was negligent in causing the accident thereby committing a tortious act and further submitted that it was potentially an offence for careless driving under Section 29 of the Road Traffic Act.

The respondent is not facing any criminal offence charges for careless driving under Section 29 of the Road Traffic Act.

The appellate judge decided that the nature of the accident was indeed a tortious act, however the accident was not caused by the respondent while acting in his personal capacity.

The judge upheld the registrar’s decision to set aside the judgement obtained in default of appearance and struck out the case against the respondent as the respondent has an absolute defence and the appellant has no reasonable cause of action against the respondent.

The court also held that it would be an abuse of process of the court to allow the case to proceed any further.

The court also awarded costs to the respondent.

Fuel stations scheduled for temporary closure

James Kon

The Weights and Measures (SDT) Unit, Industry and Business Ecosystem (IBE) Division under the Ministry of Finance and Economy (MoFE) will carry out verification of accuracy readings on fuel dispensing pumps at various fuel stations in accordance with the Weights and Measures Act 1983, Chapter 151.

The stipulated guidelines under the Act require all weighing and measuring machines used for trading purposes to be checked for accuracy and validity, and whether the machines have already been registered with the SDT Unit.

The fuel stations will be closed from 9am until completion, with the whole process estimated to take two hours, taking into account the safety and well-being of the public as well as the workforce involved throughout the inspection and verification process. The routine inspection is conducted three times a year.

The schedule of temporary closure is as follows: IBA Petrol Station on March 6; Koperasi Persatuan TIBA Petrol Station on March 7; Pekan Muara Petrol Station on March 8; Amanah Petrol Station on March 9; and Gadong Petrol Station on March 11.

Koperasi Usahajaya Pekira Petrol Station is scheduled for March 13; TAIB Delima Petrol Station and Koperasi Perniagaan dan Perusahaan Melayu Berhad Petrol Station on March 15; Hajah Badariah dan Anak-Anak Petrol Station on March 16; Shahryza Petrol Station on March 18; Perusahaan Cahaya Pakatan Berhad Petrol Station on March 20; Negalang Maju Sdn Bhd Petrol Station on March 21; and KODRAT Berhad Petrol Station on March 22.

Envoy supports diversification of Brunei’s economy

“We want to support diversification of Brunei’s economy through sustainable growth, as well as expand trade and investment activities,” said Ambassador of the European Union (EU) to Indonesia and Ambassador-Designate to Brunei Darussalam Vincent Piket.

He said this in a keynote lecture at Universiti Brunei Darussalam (UBD) on Thursday, as part of his working visit to the Sultanate.

The lecture, titled ‘The European Union as a Global Actor in the Indo-Pacific’, examined the EU’s strategic interests in the region, and how it intends to strengthen cooperation and diversify partnerships in the areas of trade, development, and security, in the region and with Brunei.

With the global centre of gravity shifting towards the Indo-Pacific, there is clear demand for greater EU engagement with this dynamic part of the world.

While the EU is extensively engaged in the region through investment and development cooperation, a more intensive engagement is aimed at boosting political and security cooperation to contribute to the stability and prosperity of the Indo-Pacific.

Ambassador of the European Union (EU) to Indonesia and Ambassador-Designate to Brunei Darussalam Vincent Piket, Ambassador of France to Brunei Darussalam Bernard Regnauld-Fabre and Ambassador of Germany to Brunei Darussalam Gerda Winkler during the panel discussion. PHOTO: EU-BRUNEI PARTNERSHIP FACILITY

The ambassador’s lecture was followed by a panel discussion on EU foreign policy and security policy, where he was joined by Ambassador of France to Brunei Darussalam Bernard Regnauld-Fabre and Ambassador of Germany to Brunei Darussalam Gerda Winkler.

The discussion was moderated by UBD Assistant Vice-Chancellor and Vice President for Global Affairs Dr Joyce Teo Siew Yean.

Students and academics also had the opportunity to learn more about the Erasamus+Scholarships and the Horizon Europe Research Programme, the EU’s key funding programme for research and innovation.

The events were organised through the newly-established EU-Brunei Darussalam Partnership Facility, which aims to promote two-way exchanges and know-how transfer between Bruneian and EU stakeholders from government, private sector, and civil society.

The facility covers policy areas of shared interest, such as economic cooperation, higher education, research, environment, climate and sustainable growth.

Meanwhile, as part of a series of events organised through the Partnership Facility, Piket also officiated a Policy Outreach and Exchange Seminar on Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment.

Piket also held bilateral meetings with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Brunei Climate Change Secretariat, and also witnessed the annual opening of the Legislative Council session, Brunei’s parliamentary body. Piket left the Sultanate yesterday.

First post-pandemic cruise ship a welcome sight, passengers want to visit Brunei again

James Kon

The Sultanate welcomed the return of cruise tourism yesterday with the arrival of Oceania Nautica vessel at the Cruise Ship Centre, Muara Port carrying some 800 passengers including its crew. Oceania Nautica vessel departed from Cape Town, South Africa, as its point of origin and arrived at Muara Port welcomed with the sound of hadrah as the passengers disembarked.

Following a half-day tour in the country, passengers, Terry and Louisette said, “We will visit Brunei again if we have the opportunity.”

The German and French tourists visited the city centre, Yayasan Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah Complex area and met a number of Bruneians.

They shared that the people, including the taxi drivers, are polite and that Brunei is one of the cleanest countries they have visited.

According to the Tourism Development Department under the Ministry of Primary Resources and Tourism, Brunei is expecting the Seventh Seas Mariner tomorrow.

Tourists arrive at the Muara Port after disembarking from the Oceania Nautica vessel yesterday
ABOVE & BELOW: Photos show cruise ship passengers at the tourist information counter; and disembarking the ship. PHOTOS: JAMES KON

Six cruise ships are expected to stopover at Muara Port as one of their port of calls in 2023.

The cruise tourism sector had come to a halt since the implementation of the COVID-19 travel restrictions in March 2020, with the last cruise ship making its port of call in 2020 carrying 1,526 passengers. The Genting Dream was the last cruise ship that made its maiden call to Brunei in July 2019.

Based on Tourism Development Department statistics, between 2016 and 2020, there were over 46,000 cruise ship passengers, with 61 cruise calls to the Sultanate. The number of cruise ship passengers expected in Brunei this year is 10,127.

The Tourism Development Department is working with the stakeholders in providing improved facilities at the Cruise Ship Centre and transportation networks to support the development of the cruise ship sector.

The arrival of tourists through cruise ships is expected to contribute to the revival of the country’s tourism industry.

Association visits Bintulu to forge ties

Rokiah Mahmud

Some 68 members of the Wargamas Association visited Bintulu, Sarawak from February 27 to March 1 as part of the association’s activities with its president Haji Abu Bakar bin Haji Mohd Don leading the visit.

Advisor of the Wargamas Association Dato Seri Setia Awang Haji Metussin bin Haji Baki was also in attendance.

Association members visited Assyakirin Mosque, Senior Citizens Service Centre and Monanie Family Enterprise.

Pengiran Dato Haji Daud bin Pengiran Haji Petra hosted a welcome dinner for the visitors.

Member of the Legislative Assembly (Ahli Dewan Undangan Negeri) N67 Jepak, Datuk Haji Talip Zulpilip and others were among those joining the ceremony.

The event was saw a local dance and mukun performances.

The association president said the visit serves as a medium to handover alms to Assyakirin Mosque.

Pengiran Dato Haji Daud hoped that the visit would further strengthen ties and friendship.

Wargamas Association members in a group photo. PHOTO: WARGAMAS ASSOCIATION

Eight represent Brunei at literacy festival

Daniel Lim

Eight members from the Belait Youth Association (PEMBELA) returned from Indonesia after representing the Sultanate in the International Minangkabau Literacy Festival (IMLF) 2023 held from February 22 to 27.

Organised by the Satupena Sumbar and the Yayasan Sumbar Talenta Indonesia, the festival was held at the Human Resource Development Centre at Padang Panjang, West Sumatra, Indonesia.

Leading the contingent was PEMBELA President Atikah Rumaizah binti Dr Haji Harun.

The journey was supported by the Youth and Sports Department, as well as the Culture and Arts Division of the Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports.

Alumni veterans of PEMBELA and Syarikat Ainul Mardhiah also aided the contingent’s visit to the festival.

PEMBELA members in a group photo. PHOTO: PEMBELA

With this year’s theme ‘Building Synergy in Developing Socio-Cultural Competence in the Era of Globalisation’, the contingent learnt about the Minangkabau language in reading the various books at exhibitions and viewing art at galleries, preparing them for the Three Parallel Discussion session.

This included discussing ‘Language, Literature and the Era of Digitalisation’, ‘Minangkabau Cultural Literacy from a Historical Perspective’ and ‘Human Resources Management Through Literacy Culture’.

The discussion served to help spark inspiration among the participants in hopes that the language literacy projects and activities carried out in Indonesia can also be carried out in Brunei, especially in supporting the literacy of the Malay Language.

The contingent from PEMBELA also recited a poetry titled Bangsa Ku Bahasa Ku, The poem contained stanzas that are structured using the language of the seven ethnics of Brunei, as well as in English, in a show of harmony among the people living in the nation.

Applications made easy with National Labour Management System

Azlan Othman

The Labour Department of the Ministry of Home Affairs will introduce the National Labour Management System (NLMS) to replace the over-the-counter system to make it easier for the public and employment agencies to submit applications for services such as application for Foreign Worker License (LPA) and Domestic Service License (LDP) online.

The new system will be implemented in phases. Registration into the NLMS System will begin on April 1 for employers holding an LPA and an LPD.

Employers with an LPA or an LPD must register via the website by filling in their smart identification card number, active phone number and e-mail address for contact and verification purposes.

The public and new employers without an LPA or an LPD must also register.

Employers with an LPA or an LPD will be contacted by the Labour Department during office hours for verification.

Application Form Employment Document Concept

Employers are advised to ensure that the Registry of Companies and Business Names registration number, PJB number (LPA or LPD number) and company name are available for reference to facilitate the verification process.

The public or new employers will also be contacted for verification purposes. A link will be e-mailed for them to activate their account and make applications online.

After receiving a call from the department, the employer will receive a link via e-mail to activate the account.

Employers are required to update details as required in the NLMS system.

Employers can only use NLMS to make any application online after the details have been updated and verified by the Labour Department.

The department reminded employers with more than one LPA and appointed Management Cardholders to manage the companies to be registered into the system.

Employers who have yet to appoint a company representative must submit an application to appoint a company representative through NLMS.

Information on the registration procedure is available at the department’s official website.

Special kiosks will be provided at the Labour Department’s lobby for the public to register with help from the department.

Duo fined for smuggled contraband possession

Fadley Faisal

The Magistrate’s Court on Thursday ordered a local and a permanent resident to settle BND73,500 in fines for possessing smuggled cigarettes and liquor.

Local Mat Said bin Mohd Salleh, 39, and permanent resident Azreen binti Mahmud, 29, would each have to serve 20 months’ jail in default of payment of the fine.

Acting Senior Magistrate Dewi Norlelawati binti Haji Abdul Hamid heard from the Customs prosecutor that the defendants were found by Customs preventive officers with 94 cartons and 12 packets of cigarettes, along with 29 bottles of liquor, at a barrack in Jalan Singa Menteri, Kuala Belait at 8.42pm on December 16, 2020.