Saturday, October 5, 2024
31 C
Brunei Town

Visiting sailors join beach clean up

James Kon

A crew of 50 personnel from Qi Jiguang training ship of the People’s Liberation Army Navy (PLAN) joined 30 Royal Brunei Navy (RBN) personnel in a cleaning campaign at Serasa Beach yesterday. The event was part of Qi Jiguang’s activities during the visit to the Sultanate.

Ambassador-designate of China to Brunei Darussalam Xiao Jianguo, Chargé d’Affaires at the Chinese Embassy in Brunei Darussalam Wang Haitao, Defence Attache at the Chinese Embassy Senior Colonel Dai Qilin and RBN Fleet Chief of Staff Commander Saiful Hazril bin Ali were present. Also joining were 25 staff of Chinese enterprises in the Sultanate and Chinese Embassy.

The ship which arrived on June 5 will leave Brunei today. Qi Jiguang left Dalian military port on May 15 with 476 naval cadets and sailors to visit Vietnam, Thailand, Brunei and the Philippines.

Ambassador-designate of China to Brunei Darussalam Xiao Jianguo during the cleaning campaign. PHOTOS: JAMES KON
ABOVE & BELOW: Photos show volunteers at the event

International halal seminar ends on high note

Director of the Syariah Affairs Department at the Ministry of Religious Affairs Haji Suhaimi bin Haji Gemok in a group photo with speakers and guests. PHOTO: AZLAN OTHMAN

Azlan Othman

Best paper award winners received prizes at the closing ceremony of the 6th International Seminar on Halalan Thayyiban Products and Services (6th SAPPHAT) 2023 at the Balai Khazanah Islam Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah yesterday, marking the end of a successful culmination of the two-day seminar.

One of the award winners was a local participant from University Brunei Darussalam (UBD) with his paper titled, ‘Logistics and Supply Chain Management in Halal Pharmaceutical Research: A Systematic Literature Review’.

Three international participants from International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM) were also awarded for their papers titled ‘Algae Carotenoid pigments as new sources of Halal bioactive ingredients’; ‘Antimicrobial activities of Curcumin extracted from selected Zingiberaceae species as potential Halal active pharmaceutical ingredient’ and ‘Halalan Thayyiban in aquaculture practice – A case study on parasite in hatchery’.

Meanwhile, Dr Iznan Tarip from UBD received the best presenter award. Nor Surilawana Sulaiman, Siti Nur Affina Halid Khan and Nadzirah Zulkifli, and Nurul Farhana Hamdan from Halalan Thayyiban Research Centre (HTRC), Universiti Islam Sultan Sharif Ali (UNISSA). Ainaa Eliah Abu Bakar and Kyoichiro Sugimoto from IIUM, and Stephen Sim from University of Canberra, Australia also received awards at the ceremony.

The seminar was organised by UNISSA through HTRC in conjunction with the Brunei Mid-Year Conference and Exhibition 2023 (Brunei MYCE 2023) organised by the Ministry of Primary Resources and Tourism (MPRT). Director of the Syariah Affairs Department, Ministry of Religious Affairs Haji Suhaimi bin Haji Gemok was the guest of honour.

Director of HTRC, UNISSA Pengiran Dr Hajah Norkhairiah binti Pengiran Haji Hashim as the Chairperson of 6th SAPPHAT was also present.

The ceremony began with a closing remark by Deputy Director of HTRC, UNISSA Dr Zeiad Amjad Abdulrazzak Aghwan as the Deputy Chairman of 6th SAPPHAT. He highlighted that the event included several keynotes and special presentations covering broad issues of halal industry from academicians and representatives from MABIMS’ halal certification bodies.

The issues covered were also in line with the seminar’s theme ‘Enhancing halal sustainability through Maqasid Syariah’.

Director of the Syariah Affairs Department at the Ministry of Religious Affairs Haji Suhaimi bin Haji Gemok in a group photo with speakers and guests. PHOTO: AZLAN OTHMAN

Balai Khazanah welcomes more than 500 student visitors

Students during their visit to the Balai Khazanah Islam Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah (BKISHHB). PHOTO: BKISHHB

Rokiah Mahmud

Some 583 students from Lumapas Religious School, Masin Religious School and Hassanal Bolkiah Boys Arabic Secondary School (SMALHB) visited the Balai Khazanah Islam Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah on the final day of the International Expo on the Halalan Thayyiban Products and Service yesterday.

The exhibition was held in conjunction with the 6th International Seminar on Halalan Thayyiban Products and Services (6th SAPPHAT) as part of the Brunei Mid-Year Conference and Exhibition 2023 (Brunei MYCE 2023) coordinated by the Ministry of Primary Resources and Tourism (MPRT).

The exhibition was organised by the Ministry of Religious Affairs (MoRA) and Universiti Islam Sultan Sharif Ali (UNISSA). Members of the public, students and researchers in the field of halal industry had the opportunity to acquire knowledge at the exhibition and attended seminars conducted for three days on ‘Enhancing halal sustainability through Maqasid Syariah’.

Among the topics discussed during the seminar centred on halal matters including Maqasid Syariah, environment, tourism, literacy and economy.

It also focussed on human resources, supply chain, small and medium enterprises, certification, innovation, review of practical fiqh aspect in the halal industry, regulations as well as innovation in the halal industry.

For this year’s edition, Brunei MYCE 2023 invited the Research Centre for Islamic History, Arts and Culture (IRCICA) from Turkiye to participate in the Islamic Calligraphy and Arts Exhibition, in collaboration with the Embassy of Turkiye to Brunei Darussalam and UNISSA.

Students during their visit to the Balai Khazanah Islam Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah (BKISHHB). PHOTO: BKISHHB

Growth projected in global food industry

Sufiana Sarisae from Halal Institute of Prince Songkhla University, Thailand; and Professor Quamrul Hasan at Centre for Global Initiatives at Osaka University Japan. PHOTOS: AZLAN OTHMAN

Azlan Othman

The global food service market is projected to grow from USD2.54 trilion in 2022 to USD5.19 trillion by 2029, at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 10.76 per cent.

As for the global fast food industry, it growth is projected from USD972.74 billion in 2021 to USD1,467.04 billion at CAGR of 6.05 per cent.

This was stated by Halalan Thayyiban Research Centre at Universiti Islam Sultan Sharif Ali (UNISSA) Associate Professor Dr Moohamad Ropaning Sulong at the final day of International Seminar on Halalan Thayyiban Products and Services on ‘Wisdom of food and beverages prohibition in Islam; Maqasid Syariah perspective’ at Balai Khazanah Islam Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah yesterday. He highlighted that there is a mention in Al-Quran on our food intake where diet is considered as a form of medication to cure diseases and “We are advised to eat a little and not too frequently.”

Islam is also not against the development of technology which should be used in the right place like gene editing which is an emerging technology for generating improved crops and animal desired traits, he said. He also highlighted the disadvantages of food processing which strips off nutrients while also containing added chemicals and preservatives that could be harmful to health. Meanwhile Sufiana Sarisae from Halal Institute of Prince Songkhla University, Thailand delivered a talk on ‘The need for halal certification for medical devices: a case study of Thailand’.

According to her, Thailand receives many tourists from Islamic countries for medical tourism.

She called for medical services to be halal certified to boost the production of halal medical devices. She highlighted that the application for halal certification should not be limited to food and beverages. SHe said it must also be extended to non-food and services, including medical devices.

As a country receiving a significant number of Muslim medical tourists, Thailand will be one of the first countries promoting the application of halal certification for medical devices, she said.

Meanwhile, Professor Quamrul Hasan from the Centre for Global Initiatives at Osaka University, Japan touched on the ‘Potentiality in the development of Halalan Thayyiban products and services of the global standard’.

Sufiana Sarisae from Halal Institute of Prince Songkhla University, Thailand; and Professor Quamrul Hasan at Centre for Global Initiatives at Osaka University Japan. PHOTOS: AZLAN OTHMAN

Discussion centres on contemporary halal issues

Azlan Othman

Contemporary halal issues were discussed at roundtable discussions on ‘Cultured meat: Community acceptance as an alternative source of materials in the halal industry’ as well as ‘Guidance for consumers on selecting sugar in the market, considering the usage of bone char in sugar bleaching/whitening process’.

The discussion was a side event at the 6th International Seminar on Halalan Thayyiban Products and Services at Balai Khazanah Islam Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah to mark the Brunei Mid-Year Conference and Exhibition 2023 organised by the Ministry of Religious Affairs through the Religious Teachers University College of Seri Begawan (KUPU SB) and Halal Food Control Division.

Participants comprised halal certification bodies of MABIMS (Brunei Darussalam, Malaysia, Indonesia and Singapore), regional and international countries, government agencies and authorities relating to halal certification, higher institutions and government-linked companies.

Russian ambassador lauds bilateral relations

ABOVE & BELOW: Minister of Home Affairs Dato Seri Setia Awang Haji Ahmaddin bin Haji Abdul Rahman cutting a cake with Russian Ambassador to Brunei Darussalam, Mikhail Vladimirovich Baranov; and the minister during the reception. PHOTOS: LYNA MOHAMAD

Lyna Mohamad

Russia applauds the constructive and trusting dialogue with Brunei and the good bilateral relations between the two countries, said Russian Ambassador to Brunei Darussalam, Mikhail Vladimirovich Baranov in his speech at the National Day of Russia yesterday.

“We re-affirm the readiness for further joint work in order to effectively utilise the potential of Russia-Brunei cooperation,” he said.

“I am convinced that the progress in the diverse cooperation meets the interests of the peoples of our countries, contributing to the strengthening of security and stability in the Asia-Pacific region,” he added.

The ambassador also noted that throughout the ages, Russia has faced numerous challenges, yet the country has always emerged stronger and more determined.

He added that while they acknowledge the pressures they currently face, they are not consumed by bitterness or animosity but to use these challenges as an opportunity to strengthen their resolve, to foster unity within their nation and to reach out to the world with open hearts and minds.

Minister of Home Affairs, Dato Seri Setia Awang Haji Ahmaddin bin Haji Abdul Rahman as the guest of honour and spouse attended the reception at The Rizqun International Hotel.

The reception also saw an exhibition showcasing photos of peaceful development and restoration of territories that have recently became a part of Russia.

ABOVE & BELOW: Minister of Home Affairs Dato Seri Setia Awang Haji Ahmaddin bin Haji Abdul Rahman cutting a cake with Russian Ambassador to Brunei Darussalam, Mikhail Vladimirovich Baranov; and the minister during the reception. PHOTOS: LYNA MOHAMAD

Guests at the reception

A sporty affair at US Independence Day celebration

Minister of Culture, Youth and Sports Dato Seri Setia Awang Haji Nazmi bin Haji Mohamad with spouse Datin Hajah Binanun binti Haji Bungsu receiving the souvenirs from United States Ambassador to Brunei Darussalam Caryn McClelland. PHOTOS: JAMES KON

James Kon

The United States (US) Embassy in Brunei Darussalam hosted a celebration to mark the 247th Independence Day of the US at the residence of US Ambassador to Brunei Darussalam Caryn McClelland.

The sports themed event had guests in sports attire, attended by Minister of Culture, Youth and Sports Dato Seri Setia Awang Haji Nazmi bin Haji Mohamad as the guest of honour with spouse Datin Hajah Binanun binti Haji Bungsu.

Also in attendance were visiting US football players Amy Allman Griffin and Lorrie Fair Allen, both FIFA World Cup winners.

US exchange programme alumni Aisyah Zulkarnain and Basil Ali performed the national anthems of both Brunei Darussalam and the US to kick start the event.

“I know sports teach us the value of discipline, hard work and perseverance on a personal level, as I have been a competitive athlete in college,” McClelland said.

“Sports can break barriers on a global scale to connect people and inspire us towards peace and mutual understanding,” she said in her welcoming remarks.

“These women are former professional football players and they have done everything you can in sport including winning separate FIFA World Cups for the US Women’s National Team,” said McClelland on the visiting US Department of State Sports envoys.

“They are here to promote gender equality, social inclusion, youth empowerment and sports development through a series of activities such as motivational talks, coaching clinics and training sessions for female athletes and Special Olympics Brunei Darussalam,” she added.

The event concluded with the ambassador presenting a US jersey and a football signed by the visiting athletes to the minister.

Minister of Culture, Youth and Sports Dato Seri Setia Awang Haji Nazmi bin Haji Mohamad with spouse Datin Hajah Binanun binti Haji Bungsu receiving the souvenirs from United States Ambassador to Brunei Darussalam Caryn McClelland. PHOTOS: JAMES KON
ABOVE & BELOW: Guests at the US Independence Day celebration

Talk focusses on promoting sustainable blue economy

Head of Fisheries Business and Investment Division at the Ministry of Primary Resources and Tourism Pengiran Ajmal Faiz bin Pengiran Haji Kamaluddin speaking during the session. PHOTO: ADIB NOOR

Adib Noor

Bank Islam Brunei Darussalam (BIBD) organised a series of panel discussion focussing on the promotion of blue economy as part of its efforts to drive sustainable development and advocate for the conservation and responsible management of ocean resources.

The discussions were part of a symposium on sustaining marine biodiversity through blue economy organised by the Fisheries Department in conjunction with World Ocean Day from June 6-8.

The first session yesterday focussed on ‘Reengineering the consumer mindset through responsible businesses’. Co-founder of Kaimana Living Tiffany Shiyi Lai, General Manager of Barramundi Group Alex Chiam, Education Officer at STEP Centre of the Ministry of Education Dr Andery Lim and Head of Fisheries Business and Investment Division at the Ministry of Primary Resources and Tourism Pengiran Ajmal Faiz bin Pengiran Haji Kamaluddin participated in the discussion.

The speakers shared significant steps which the government, regulators, non-governmental organisations (NGOs) and social enterprises had taken to promote blue economy and sustainable marine management. The government has implemented policies and regulations, established marine protected areas and invested in research, as well as enforced laws and developed monitoring frameworks.

Meanwhile, NGOs have raised awareness, advocated for stronger policies and engaged communities.

Head of Fisheries Business and Investment Division at the Ministry of Primary Resources and Tourism Pengiran Ajmal Faiz bin Pengiran Haji Kamaluddin speaking during the session. PHOTO: ADIB NOOR

Social enterprises have also contributed by creating innovative business models, providing alternative livelihoods and supporting sustainability efforts.

However, challenges such as limited resources, conflicting interests and the need for stronger cooperation from all stakeholders are still present.

Balancing economic development with environmental concerns, addressing illegal fishing and pollution and ensuring the inclusion of marginalised communities are also some challenges in promoting a sustainable blue economy.

The concept of the blue economy encompasses sustainable activities that take place within the marine environment, striking a balance between economic growth, environmental protection, and social well-being.

Aiming for an environmentally conscious generation

The forum in session. PHOTO: IZAH AZAHARI

Izah Azahari

A Young Environmental Leaders Forum was held yesterday as part of a symposium on sustaining marine biodiversity through blue economy. The second session at the Pro-Chancellor Arts Centre, Universiti Brunei Darussalam (UBD) was organised by Bank Islam Brunei Darussalam (BIBD).

The Australian High Commissioner to Brunei Darussalam Luke Arnold, PONI Foundation Chief Executive Officer Mohd Tahsin Wong bin Abdullah, Beach Bunch President and founder Rizan Latif and BruWILD Executive member Noorlela binti Yassin participated in the second session.

Future Ocean Borneo PLT founder Iqbal bin Abdullah, and Reef Check Secretariat and Project Manager for coral restoration Frederick Chong also joined in the discussion. Co-founder of Community for Brunei Shinny Chia was the moderator. The session covered a range of topics such as climate change mitigation and adaptation strategies, sustainable resource management and biodiversity conservation.

It also highlighted renewable energy solutions, waste reduction and recycling, environmental justice and community engagement. The discussion focussed on the importance of youth’s involvement in the sustainability agenda.

The concept of the blue economy aligns with BIBD’s Sustainability Framework and Brunei Vision 2035, as all three share a common focus on sustainable development and the responsible use of marine resources.

BIBD’s Sustainability Framework aims to promote sustainable business practices, environmental stewardship, and social responsibility.

The blue economy emphasises on the sustainable utilisation of ocean resources.

The forum in session. PHOTO: IZAH AZAHARI

Young Bees leave for meet in Korea

The national under-21 team in a group photo prior to departure at the Brunei International Airport. PHOTO: BNA

Fadhil Yunus

The Brunei Under-21 netball team left for Jeonju, South Korea yesterday to compete in the Asian Youth Netball Championships (ANYC) scheduled to be held from June 10-17.

The Young Bees have been drawn in Pool ‘B’ alongside Singapore, Sri Lanka, Chinese Taipei and hosts South Korea. Meanwhile, reigning holders Malaysia will be in Pool ‘A’ together with Hong Kong, Thailand, Japan, India and Pakistan.

The 12-member playing squad is led by team manager Siti Rauufah binti Haji Omarali and Nur Hafizah binti Haji Abdul Sidek as head coach.

The other officials are assistant team manager Rosni binti Haji Yahya and Physio Yvette Kortekaas.

Meanwhile, Hei Yein has been appointed team captain and is assisted by Dani as vice captain.

Brunei will open their campaign against continental powerhouses Singapore on June 10 followed by Chinese Taipei the next day.

Nur Hafizah’s young charges will then play against serial winners Sri Lanka on June 12 before concluding their group stage against South Korea next Tuesday.

It will be a first outing for the under-21 squad in a major competition with the competition finally resuming since the 2019 edition.

The top three teams in the tournament will qualify to the Netball Youth World Cup in Gibraltar in 2025.

Earlier this week, the team received sponsorships in the form of jerseys by YMRM Group and duffel bags by an individual donor on the sidelines of the team’s final training session at the Multi-Purpose Hall of the Hassanal Bolkiah National Sports Complex.

Brunei Netball Association President Lieutenant (Rtd) Hajah Wan Shahlimar binti Haji Suhaili to received the sponsored jerseys and bags.

The national under-21 team in a group photo prior to departure at the Brunei International Airport. PHOTO: BNA