Saturday, July 27, 2024
27 C
Brunei Town

Over 90 attend contract course

PUJA Academy Sdn Bhd (PASB) organised a one-day course titled ‘Delay, Non-Completion & Damages in Construction/Engineering Contracts’ to highlight the important facets of handling the common delay, non-completion and damages issues in engineering/construction contracts, especially those in the construction industry.

Over 90 participants comprising Institution of Surveyors, Engineers and Architects (PUJA) Brunei members, government officers and members from the Attorney Generals Chambers joined the course, delivered by Ir Harbans Singh KS, a professional and chartered engineer, chartered arbitrator, mediator and adjudicator. The course also exposed participants to provisions pertaining to delay, non-completion and damages matters in the standard forms on construction/engineering contracts used in this region, and shed light on the rights and duties of various parties under the contracts, especially the employers, main and the sub-contractors.

Participants were also given the opportunity to learn the aspects of administering or handling the technical and contractual aspects of the delay, non-completion and damages during the currency of the contract up to the end of the defect liability period.

Participants during the course. PHOTO: PUJA

