Friday, June 28, 2024
30 C
Brunei Town

Outgoing envoy recalls fond memories while in Brunei

Izah Azahari

A farewell reception was held for the outgoing Ambassador of Vietnam to Brunei Darussalam Tran Van Koha by the Diplomatic Corps at the Rizqun International Hotel on Tuesday evening.

The outgoing ambassador recalled memories of his time in the Sultanate, noting when he first arrived in 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic was just starting.

“Only two months after my arrival, Brunei and the whole world entered the unprecedented pandemic lockdown,” he said.

Despite that, a number of diplomatic events were able to take place even with the restrictions, said the outgoing ambassador.

“We have overcome the difficult years of the COVID-19 pandemic and created great memories together in Brunei Darussalam.”

Outgoing Ambassador of Vietnam to Brunei Darussalam Tran Van Khoa with members of the Diplomatic Corps. PHOTO: IZAH AZAHARI

The outgoing ambassador said during his tenure, he was able to complete his mission and contributed to the development of bilateral relations between the two countries.

Vietnam and Brunei Darussalam celebrated their 30th anniversary of bilateral relations in 2022, and a number of high-level official visits from Vietnam took place during his tenure. “The success of those visits have strengthened and deepened the bilateral relations and collaboration in all spheres, especially in politics and economy.”

Dean of the Diplomatic Corps and Ambassador of Qatar to Brunei Darussalam Jassim Ali Abdullah Al Obaidli presented a souvenir to the outgoing ambassador and his spouse.


