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On Eid al-Adha, Senegal’s sheep are for luxury, not sacrifice

DAKAR, SENEGAL (AP) – When Cheikh Moustapha Seck, a 24-year-old sheep breeder from Senegal, speaks about his animals, his face lights up.

“You need love and patience to work with the sheep,” said Seck, affectionately stroking the long neck of Sonko, his champion sheep, named after the country’s new prime minister.

Sonko is no ordinary sheep. It is a locally bred Ladoum, the equivalent of a Ferrari among the woolly creatures. The majestic-looking Ladoum can weigh up to 397 pounds (180 kilogrammes), and it has made this coastal West African nation famous among breeders.

As Muslims worldwide prepare to celebrate Eid al-Adha this weekend, the second most important holiday in the Islamic calendar, the Ladoum get their moment to shine.

Balla Gadiaga, owner of the sheepfolld Baye Cheikh caresses his Ladoum called BRT in Mbao, 30 km east of Dakar, Senegal, Monday June 10. PHOTO: AP

During Tabaski, as the holiday is locally known, Muslims commemorate the Quranic tale of Ibrahim’s willingness to sacrifice Ismail as an act of obedience to God. They kill and eat a sheep, making the animal extremely sought after in the days before the holiday.

Sonko the sheep was born last year, when its namesake Ousmane Sonko was still an imprisoned opposition leader and seemingly far from leading the country. Just like him, Sonko the sheep “was a warrior and our hope,” Seck said.

As political events have calmed since Senegal’s election earlier this year, this weekend’s celebrations have new life. People have turned their attention from protests to pampering — the prize sheep, at least.

Celebrated for their gleaming white fur and symmetrical horns, the Ladoum is most often bought for prestige breeding and beauty contests, and not to be eaten. On Eid al-Adha, like Ibrahim’s son, they will be spared.

Very few in Senegal can afford a Ladoum. Worth up to USD70,000, the sheep is the ultimate symbol of social prestige in a country where the GDP per capita does not exceed USD1,600. After years of record inflation, many struggle to afford regular sheep at prices starting from around USD280.

Shepherd Cheikh Moustapha Seck feeds a sheep to be sacrificed for Tabaski (Eid) at a sheepfold in Mbao, 30 km east of Dakar, Senegal, Monday June 10. PHOTO: AP

The Ladoum spend their days being groomed, massaged and fed syringes of vitamins in special parlors, decorated with photos of champion sheep and their lineage.

Balla Gadiaga, a parlor owner who inherited the passion for sheep from his parents, said his clients come from all over the African continent.

“Just yesterday, I had someone from Abuja on the phone,” he said, referring to Nigeria’s capital. “We sell to clients in Senegal but also in Gambia, Nigeria, Mali. Everywhere.”

His favorite sheep is named BRT after the acronym for electric buses driving around Dakar, the capital. It is of “excellent measurements” and “extraordinary beauty,” he said. It is also worth USD40,000, a deal compared to Gadiaga’s most expensive at over USD65,000.

Gadiaga said the sheep are not only great business but also a source of happiness.

“When you are stressed out and you go in front of the sheep, you are cool,” he said. “You feel at ease.”

Abba, a Ladoum sheep, is seen at the sheepfold Baye Cheikh in Mbao, 30 km east of Dakar, Senegal, Monday, June 10. PHOTO: AP

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