Tuesday, July 9, 2024
24 C
Brunei Town

Officials review students’ documentary proposal

Officials of Bank Islam Brunei Darussalam (BIBD) and the Prisons Department recently visited Kolej International Graduate Studies to review students’ documentary film proposals.

The visit began with a presentation of the documentary film proposal titled Insaf by students undergoing Diploma in Animation and Multimedia Broadcasting.

The proposal showcased their ideas and narratives around the theme of Insaf, aiming to shed light on societal issues and inspire change within the community.

During the review session, BIBD and Prisons Department representatives expressed admiration for the student’s approach and the potential impact of such documentaries on the community.

Following the review, the delegation toured the Faculty of Information Technology and were introduced to various projects managed by students and lecturers, showcasing the faculty’s cutting-edge technological advancements and creative approach and solutions as well as short courses offered.

The visit also provided an opportunity for further collaboration projects, with BIBD and the Prisons Department expressing interest in supporting and engaging with the faculty on various initiatives.

BIBD representatives comprised Head of Government Relations and Special Projects Division Haji Mohammad Yusri bin Haji Wahsalfelah; Head of Strategic Relationship Management Department of the Government Relations and Special Projects Division Pengiran Rodzi binti Pengiran Haji Abd Rahman; Strategic Relationship Manager in Government Relations and Special Projects Division Ummi Kalthum binti Haji Hirmond; and Special Project Executive of the Government Relations and Special Projects Division Md Zainul Arif bin Haji Zaini. Meanwhile, from the Prisons Department was Mohammad Husaini bin Haji Wahsalfelah. Haji Mohammad Yusri representing BIBD said they were impressed by the talent and dedication displayed by the students.

“The proposal for Insaf was not only creative but also deeply meaningful. We look forward to exploring future collaborations that can benefit both the students and the wider community.” – Lyna Mohamad

ABOVE & BELOW: Photos show the delegation during the tour. PHOTO: LYNA MOHAMAD
ABOVE & BELOW: The delegation during the tour; and the proposal and review session in progress. PHOTO: LYNA MOHAMAD


