In response to the letter ‘Overflowing manhole continues to plague KB Residents’ by Annoyed published in the Opinion page of the Bulletin on March 19, the Ministry of Development (MoD) would like to thank the writer for bringing up this matter and apologises for the inconvenience caused to the residents at Jalan Derma Wangsa.
The MoD through the Public Works Department (JKR) Kuala Belait branch recently installed a new sewerage pump to improve the sewerage system which was completed on March 17.
Since then, the department has been actively carrying out inspection on manholes around the Jalan Derma Wangsa barracks to identify any further blockages.
JKR Kuala Belait branch assures the public that it will continue to carry out cleaning works on sewerage pipes including the deployment of vacuum tankers to relieve the issue of overloaded manholes at the affected catchment area and appreciates any feedback on the matter.
Public Relations Unit,
Ministry of Development