Saturday, July 27, 2024
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Brunei Town

New members welcome

BERLIN (AP) – Germany is hosting this year’s meeting of leaders from the Group of Seven (G-7) leading economies in the Bavarian resort of Elmau. Before the invasion of Ukraine by Russia triggered a cascade of crises over food, energy and international security, the main focus of the meeting was meant to be on climate change.

The German government under Chancellor Olaf Scholz still plans to get the G-7 to commit to collective progress on curbing global warming, and one of the ideas being discussed is the creation of a ‘climate club’ for countries that want to speed ahead when it comes to tackling the issue.

The idea was first floated by Yale economist and Nobel Prize winner Professor William Nordhaus, who said the voluntary nature of existing climate agreements hasn’t resulted in sufficient progress.

He proposed that countries which were serious about reducing their emissions could come together and form a club which would jointly set ambitious targets and exempt each other from climate-related trade tariffs that non-members would be subject to.

“This would basically act as a stick as well as a carrot,” said policy adviser at the Brussels-based environmental think tank E3G Domien Vangenechten.

Climate activists and others hold banners and signs as they march during a demonstration ahead of a G-7 meeting in Munich, Germany. PHOTOS: AP
Smoke and steam rise from towers at the coal-fired Urumqi Thermal Power Plant as seen from a plane in Urumqi in western China’s Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region

Germany’s Scholz hopes to get the whole G-7 behind the idea. France and Italy are virtually given, since both countries are also members of the European Union (EU) that itself has strong climate targets.

Canada is keen to finalise a long-discussed trade agreement with the EU and membership of the climate club could help. Britain left the EU in 2020 and is sceptical about joining any arrangement with the bloc.

But a club that includes members beyond the EU would likely be acceptable to London, especially if the United States (US) is in.

Washington has always had a problem entering into binding agreements on climate change, particularly due to Republican opposition.

President George W Bush withdrew America’s signature under the 1997 Kyoto treaty and president Donald Trump pulled the US out of the 2015 Paris accord – a less stringent pact.

The US rejoined Paris under President Joe Biden, however, and there is growing realisation that a go-it-alone approach may not be in America’s interest, especially if it wants to force China to pull its weight on reducing emissions.

Japan may also be swayed by the prospect of putting pressure on its big neighbour and privileged access to European and North American markets.

The world’s biggest emitter of greenhouse gas isn’t likely to join straightaway.

But if it wants to export its wares to the rest of the world without having climate tariffs slapped on them, it may have to join.

Expect Beijing to be sharply critical of the idea, just as it has been of the EU’s planned “carbon border adjustment mechanism” – which also entails tariffs for polluters who don’t play by the bloc’s rules. China has tried to rally other emerging economies such as South Africa and Indonesia in opposition to the plan.

That’s one reason why Scholz has invited both of those countries attend the G-7 as guests, and made clear that the climate club is open to all.

Experts say a critical mass of countries will need to join the club for it to become attractive enough that others feel compelled to apply too.

The exact details of how the club’s rules would work are still sketchy.

General support by the G-7, without any formal commitments, could help put the idea on the agenda at upcoming meetings, particularly the United Nations (UN) climate summit in November.

An endorsement there would show that the club isn’t the exclusive preserve of rich nations but a genuine addition to existing climate efforts.

Director of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research Johan Rockstrom thinks it’s worth a try given that existing measures aren’t delivering the emissions cuts required to meet the Paris accord’s target for limiting global warming. “The world’s remaining carbon budget is running out so fast that we will soon have no scientific chance of keeping to 1.5 degrees Celsius,” he said.

“So we in the scientific community are grasping at anything that might help, and one way is to get all major emitters to agree on a set of collective principles for emissions pathways and carbon pricing.”

Rockstrom said the hope is that such efforts will eventually reach a positive tipping point, as happened with the 1987 Montreal Protocol that saw the world come together to tackle the ozone problem.

The principle of a climate club would turn upside-down the current situation where the least-ambitious countries set the pace, and instead make it a race to be the fastest, he said.


