Monday, February 3, 2025
29 C
Brunei Town

    National swimming governing body renamed to BDSA

    Fadhil Yunus

    The Sultanate’s national governing body responsible for the development of aquatics has been renamed to Brunei Darussalam Swimming Association (BDSA) from Brunei Amateur Swimming Association (BASA).

    This was confirmed during the annual general meeting (AGM) at Cosmopolitan College of Commerce and Technology, Jaya Setia Square in Berakas on Sunday.

    The AGM also witnessed the appointment of new executive committee members for the term commencing November 2022 until November 2024.

    Aziz Latip was elected as the President with Dato Seri Paduka Haji Ahmad bin Pehin Orang Kaya Laila Setia Bakti Diraja Dato Laila Utama Haji Awang Isa as Vice President.

    Ang Beng Siong was elected as Honorary Secretary with Melissa Ang taking the Assistant Secretary post.

    Meanwhile, Linda Lai will assume the Honorary Treasurer role as Christian Nikles sits on the committee as an athlete representative.

    The fresh-look committee members also include Zeti Reza Amin, Normah Haji Nadi, Josephine Nikles, Harjimmey Zainal and Awangku Farid bin Pengiran Idrus.

    Attendees at the meeting. PHOTO: BDSA

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