Sunday, December 1, 2024
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Munajat programme guides converts in religious practice

Azlan Othman

The Islamic Da’wah Centre (PDI) through the Muallaf Development Division (Welfare) in collaboration with the Dakwah Propagation Unit continued the virtual Munajat (religious gathering seeking forgiveness from Allah the Almighty) with Muslim converts on Tuesday.

The religious programme has been held since November 2021. Acting Head Religious Officer of Temburong District Ali Hassan bin Mohd Said was the special guest.

The ceremony began with the recitation of Sayyidul Istighfar and Surah Al-Fatihah, followed by the recitation of Surah Yassiin, the recitation of Doa against COVID-19, as well as the recitation of Doa Peliharakan Sultan and Negara Brunei Darussalam.

The reading was led by Head of the Asy-Syahadah Muallaf Youth Public Relations Division, Religious Secretariat of the PDI Muhd Saiful Dafi bin Muhd Suhaimi @ Suanddy bin Suhaimi; Assistant Secretary of Kampong Bukit Mosque Takmir committee in Tutong Afiqiuddin bin Jeffriddin; and Religious Development Assistant in Temburong District Dakwah Unit of the PDI Haji Salleh Dicky bin Abdullah @ Matius Ujang anak Gajah.

Also joining the ceremony were religious teachers and Bilal of the PDI, Muslims converts who have followed the Advanced Guidance Course II and the winners of the PDI Al-Quran reading competition for Muslim converts.

Participants in the virtual Munajat. PHOTO: PDI

Acting Assistant Director of the PDI Haji Ahmad Abdussalam bin Haji Abd Rahman conveyed appreciation to all those involved in the Munajat programme since it began.

He advised converts to always self-reflect and to perform Munajat as it educates the heart to always be pious to Allah the Almighty.

The Munajat aims to instil a sense of responsibility, especially among Muslim converts, to carry out religious events and charity.

In addition, the event supports the nation’s goals of becoming a Zikir nation while continuing efforts of the PDI to guide Muslim converts.


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