“Women play a crucial role as mothers and wives in fostering happy and harmonious families while nurturing future generations. Their positive contributions in careers and society greatly impact community development, reflecting sincerity and courage in advancing the ummah.”
This message was emphasised in a religious talk titled ‘Achieving Women’s Success in the New Year: Inspiring Families and Communities’ delivered by Religious Development Officer of Tutong District’s Dakwah Unit at the Islamic Da’wah Centre Nurhuwaina binti Mamud.
The talk was part of the 166th Munajat Night organised virtually by the Ministry of Religious Affairs (MoRA), marking the 20th edition of Munajat Night exclusively for women.
The event featured a special guest, Chairperson of the Welfare Body of Police’s Wives and Families (PEKERTI) Datin Sabrina Aziemah binti Abdullah Chong who led the recitation of Sayyidul Istighfar and Surah Al-Fatihah from the PEKERTI House. This was followed by a collective recitation of Surah Al-Mulk led by PEKERTI member Norliza binti Abdul Jalil. The Munajat prayer was then delivered by Senior Religious Officer at the Islamic Syiar Development Division, MoRA Datin Hajah Umiyati binti Haji Mohd Noor at Ash-Shaliheen Mosque.
The event continued with the collective recitation of Selawat Tafrijiyyah, led by Deputy Chairperson of PEKERTI Superintendent Hajah Mariyani binti Haji Abdul Wahab. Concluding the evening, the Doa Peliharakan Sultan dan Negara Brunei Darussalam was recited by Acting Assistant Director of Corporate Services at the Islamic Studies Department Hajah Noor Rasidah binti Haji Sharbini. – Fadley Faisal & James Kon