Monday, July 1, 2024
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M’sian Olympic kit launch draws flak

KUALA LUMPUR (CNA)  Malaysian Olympic officials are turning to fans for help designing the country’s next Olympic kit after the current attire for the Paris Games faced online backlash.

Unveiled over the weekend, the gold-themed outfits with tiger stripe designs were intended to symbolise Malaysia’s pursuit of gold medals. However, the designs were criticised as “ugly,” “cheap-looking,” and outdated, with some fans also displeased with how they were revealed—on mannequins.

The outfits, including tracksuits, polo shirts, and T-shirts, were unveiled during an Olympic Day celebration at a shopping center in Kuala Lumpur. The ceremony featured mannequins initially wrapped in black cloth, which was removed after a countdown, followed by celebratory music and sparse applause. A Facebook post about the event drew numerous negative comments, with some calling the look “extremely shameful” and “hideous.”

This picture taken on June 23, 2024 shows mannequins displaying the attire for Malaysia’s athletes at the Paris 2024 Olympic Games during an event in Kuala Lumpur. PHOTO: AFP

Chef de Mission Hamidin Mohamad Amin acknowledged the criticism on Tuesday, stating that the Olympic Council of Malaysia (OCM) might open design opportunities to the public for the 2028 Los Angeles Olympic Games. “He [Mohamad Norza Zakaria, OCM president] has essentially agreed that next time we will open up to fans for designing the contingent’s official attire for the next cycle, and we may even provide incentives,” Hamidin said. He also admitted it was a mistake to use mannequins to showcase the kits.

According to some local reports, the OCM has said that the current attire will be used only for travel, with different kits for the opening ceremony and competition. This clarification did not quell the criticism, especially regarding the flag’s gold color on the outfits instead of Malaysia’s traditional red, blue, yellow, and white. Hamidin explained that the flag represented the official OCM logo, not the Malaysian flag.

The outfits were unveiled during an Olympic Day event at The Exchange TRX in Kuala Lumpur on Jun 23, 2024. PHOTO: Facebook/Olympic Council of Malaysia.

Sports Minister Hannah Yeoh distanced her ministry from the controversy, stating on X that the design responsibility lies with the OCM. Hamidin, who is also OCM deputy president, noted that most athletes competing in the upcoming Games agreed with the design.

With less than a month before the official opening of Paris 2024 on July 26, Hamidin urged everyone, including the public, to support the national contingent.


