MoH launches AI-based national eye screening programme

The Ministry of Health on Saturday  launched national eye screening programme utilising Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology for early detection of changes in the retina of diabetic patients, that can cause loss of sight and reduce long-term health costs, by avoiding 
complex treatments for severe retinopathy. 
The launch which was in conjunction with World Sight Day 2024 was officiated by guest of Honour Minister of Health Dato Seri Setia Dr Haji Mohammad Isham Bin Haji Jaafar. 
Diabetic retinopathy is a common complication caused by diabetes where high sugar levels in the blood cause damage to the retina of the eyes. Through early detection, treatment can be carried out immediately to prevent diabetic retinopathy from becoming serious or causing blindness.
Minister of Health Dato Seri Setia Dr Haji Mohammad Isham Bin Haji Jaafar testing out the diabetic retinopathy screening programme using AI technology. PHOTO: JAMES KON
Minister of Health Dato Seri Setia Dr Haji Mohammad Isham Bin Haji Jaafar launching the programme.
It is hoped that the diabetic retinopathy screening programme using AI technology will also raise awareness of eye health for diabetes patients.
Besides free eye examination using AI, several interesting activities and exhibitions were also held at the launch that took place at Dewan Al-Afiah, Ministry of Health. JAMES KON