The Ministry of Education through Cluster 4, Department of Schools held the 6th World Cafe themed ‘Enhancing Teacher’s Practices and Improving Students’ Learning and Achievement Through Assessment’ at The Higher Hotel, Kiulap recently.
About 85 school leaders joined the event.
Acting Director of the Department of Schools Haji Metussin bin Haji Jais as the guest of honour officiated the opening ceremony.
The event began with a keynote presentation on ‘Enhancing Teacher’s Practices and Improving Students’ Learning and Achievement Through Assessment by Director of the Department of Schools’ Inspectorate Zainal Abidin bin Haji Kepli.
It was followed by three sharing sessions and workshop by primary and secondary school leaders.
The event ended with the presentation of certificates to the presenters and certificates of participation by Head of Cluster 4 Haji Juma’ata Sonadey bin Haji Mornie.