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Message in a bottle travels from Bahamas to England in 21 years

UPI – A visitor to a British beach found a message in a bottle that had been launched from the Bahamas by a Canadian girl 21 years earlier.

Crispin Benton said he was taking a post-work walk on Castle Beach in Falmouth, England, when he spotted a bottle on the tide line.

“It was high tide, so it was likely it had freshly washed in. I picked it up, then I thought ‘Oh my goodness, there’s a message in there’ and got a bit excited,” Benton told The Falmouth Packet.

A student photographer visiting the same beach snapped a photo of Benton and read the note with him.

The letter, dated June 21, 2001, was authored by a six-year-old Canadian girl named Anna who was visiting the Bahamas.

“Please don’t pollute. Thank you,” Anna wrote.

Anna included a mailing address and asked for the finder to write her a letter, but Benton said a search online revealed the address has since been converted into an industrial estate.

Benton said he is now hoping Anna will find out about the bottle’s discovery and get in contact.

“It’s just one of those things you don’t think will ever happen, to find a message in a bottle.

It’s a once-in-a-lifetime experience, and to think someone wrote that 20-odd years ago. What’s she doing now?” he asked.

A message in a bottle is spotted on Castle Beach in Falmouth, England, authored by a six-year-old Canadian girl named Anna in 2001. PHOTO: UPI

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