Saturday, July 27, 2024
27 C
Brunei Town

Leaving an impression

Lyna Mohamad

The National Anti-Drug Association (BASMIDA) marked the United Nations Day of Action by handing out 100 exercise books with anti-drug messages printed on its inside cover to Yayasan Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah (YSHHB) Primary School students.

All parents received one book for each of their children.

BASMIDA was granted permission by the school to place the books at a suitable location on the ground floor for parents to collect for their children, following Ministry of Health guidelines to curb the spread of COVID-19.

“This is part of our ma’ruf nahi mungkar activity that we must always obtain Allah the Almighty’s rahmat (mercy) and redha (acceptance),” said BASMIDA President Datin Hajah Masni binti Haji Ali.

The president said the activity did not involve BASMIDA funds as it was part of its volunteer work. She said volunteerism is about giving, sharing and supporting a shared cause. For them, it was about creating a “no drug abuse” future for everyone.

BASMIDA members hoped the anti-drug message will leave a lasting impression on the students.

YSHHB School’s CEO Mohamed Fliti Abdel Majed was present alongside Datin Hajah Masni and BASMIDA member Hajah Ramlah binti Haji Ghani.

The event was also held in support of the Day of Action programme of the Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports.

BASMIDA President Datin Hajah Masni binti Haji Ali, YSHHB School’s CEO Mohamed Fliti Abdel Majed and BASMIDA member Hajah Ramlah binti Haji Ghani with the exercise books that carry an anti-drug message. PHOTO: LYNA MOHAMAD

