Saturday, May 4, 2024
27 C
Brunei Town

Kudos for improving road safety

In the past few years, I have been driving along the intersection of Simpang 41 and Simpang 69 of Jalan Kiarong a few times every day.

As the stop lines had worn out, and drivers were often oblivious to the tall and faded ‘Berhenti’ sign post at Simpang 41, cars often zoomed past the junction without stopping.

This often created hazardous situation. Thank goodness that the authorities came and painted the stop lines at Simpang 41 as well as the road divider lines on the night of April 15, 2024.

I’m even more grateful for the authorities’ thoughtfulness by carrying out the painting works late at night. It avoided the unnecessary delay and obstruction of traffic during the day when drivers are often rushing to various destinations.

With the newly painted stop lines in place, my nightmare has finally ended! Thank you to the authorities for their efforts in ensuring a much safer traffic condition in our area!

Dream Comes True


