Saturday, July 27, 2024
27 C
Brunei Town

Korean cooking demo a hit

Lyna Mohamad

Korean cuisine fans in the Sultanate were treated to a cooking demo hosted by the Embassy of Korea in Brunei Darussalam in Jalan Kebangsaan yesterday.

The cooking demo was headed by the embassy’s chef Lee Kisu, who has experience working at a five-star hotel in Busan, Korea. He demonstrated two popular Korean dishes – tteokbokki and dalgona.

Korean Ambassador to Brunei Darussalam Kim Soung-eun expressed gratitude to the participants for joining in the event. He also sampled a tteokbokki dish made by a group during the demo.

The ambassador also presented a souvenir prize to a participant who successfully made the dalgona, the traditional Korean sweet featured in the popular Korean TV series Squid Game.

Consul at the embassy Min Young-jung said the cooking demo marked the return of their initiative to promote Korean culture in the Sultanate, hindered by the COVID-19 pandemic.

“We were happy to see a lot of interest among Bruneians when we posted our intention to host this event through our Instagram. We received an overwhelming response, however, we are only allowed to entertain a maximum capacity of 30 people,” she said.

She added that the embassy will welcome more participants once the easing of restrictions is announced in the future, with regular classes planned.

Meanwhile, the embassy will collaborate with Universiti Brunei Darussalam’s Simpur Café to organise a Korean Cuisine Week in the next months to provide an opportunity for Bruneians to experience Korean food.

The Korean Embassy in Brunei Darussalam yesterday hosted a cooking demonstration, much to the delight of Korean food aficionados in the Sultanate. Young and talented chef Lee Kisu showed the audience how to whip up two popular food items, the ‘tteokbokki’ and the ‘dalgona’.
Participants during the event. PHOTOS: LYNA MOHAMAD



