The Belait District Sinar Islam Association (PSI) held a Khatam Al-Quran ceremony in conjunction with Ramadhan at the Paduka Sultan Omar Ali Saifuddien Religious Teachers Barracks in Kuala Belait aimed at strengthening ties with the Islamic Da’wah Centre (PDI), converts and residents of Kukup Longhouse. It also aimed to encourage converts to realise the importance of learning proper Al-Quran recitation and to instill faith in Al-Quran.
The ceremony began with the recitation of Surah Al-Fatihah led by Religious Development Officer Haji Muskrisman bin Haji Safari, who also read the Doa Khatam and Doa Peliharakan Sultan dan Negara Brunei Darussalam.
The Khatam Al-Quran recitation was led by Religious Development Officer Awangku Abdul Qayyum bin Pengiran Bakar, who also delivered a talk titled ‘Seize the opportunity in the last 10 nights of Ramadhan’.
It proceeded with the presentation of PDI publications to the PSI president and the presentation of gifts to 25 families comprising residents of the Kukup Longhouse and its surroundings.
The ceremony concluded with the breaking of fast, mass Maghrib and Isyak prayers as well as the Sunnat Tarawih and Witir prayers.
PDI Acting Senior Religious Officer Hajah Sarbiah binti Haji Jumat was the guest of honour. Religious Development Officer Hajah Ruzaimah binti Haji Ibrahim, PSI President Abdul ‘Alim bin Abdullah Igol, officers and staff from the human resources, planning and research division, research and publication division, and the Belait District Da’wah Unit as well as residents of Kukup Longhouse in Mukim Sukang were also in attendance. – Lyna Mohamad