The Kampong Lumapas Mosque Takmir Committee held a Khatam Al-Quran to mark the conclusion of the nightly Tedarus Al-Quran sessions conducted by the committee throughout Ramadhan, aiming to glorify the holy month with recitations of verses from Al-Quran.
The event also served to foster a greater love for the holy book and to encourage the practice of reading Al-Quran, thereby gaining increased rewards during this blessed month, while simultaneously strengthening ties among the mosque congregant.
The ceremony was attended by over 100 people, comprising the mosque Takmir committee and congregant.
It began with the recitation of Surah Al-Fatihah, led by Imam Muhammad Aizat bin Mohammad Sah Minan, who also recited the Doa Penutup Khatam. The Takhtim was led by the first secretary of the mosque Takmir committee, Mohamad Wazzirul Wafaudin bin Esa and the Tahlil recitation was led by Imam Mohammad Azree bin Haji Asli. – Lyna Mohamad