Intending Haj pilgrims prepare for ‘Wukuf’


Azlan Othman in Makkah, Saudi Arabia

Intending Brunei Haj pilgrims yesterday took a glimpse of the sites for their upcoming Haj rituals namely Arafah, a site for ‘Wukuf’ to be carried out on 9th Zulhijjah, passing by and collecting pebbles at Muzdalifah conducted after the Maghrib prayer on 10th Zulhijjah and stoning at Mina on 10-12 Zulhijjah, during their tour of historical sites in Makkah Al-Mukarramah.

The annual Haj season which resumes for pilgrims all over the world after a two year hiatus following COVID-19 pandemic reaches its climax with Wukuf which is one of the rituals during the Haj gathering at the open field at Arafah.

For Wukuf, one must be present in person on that particular day even if one is sick and has to be carried to the place. Without Wukuf, the Haj is null and void. It is an emotional time for Muslims where pilgrims are asked to intensify their prayers, supplications, and Zikir.

According to the Mutawif (guide) for Haj pilgrims for Brunei Darussalam Haji Bajora bin Abdul Aziz, Brunei pilgrims are privileged to be placed with better facilities when they stay in Arafah and Mina, with tents close to the site for the stoning of Jamarat.

During their tour yesterday, Brunei pilgrims also visited Jabal Rahmah located in Arafah which holds a significant meaning as this was the location where Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) reportedly delivered his final sermon of his final Haj.

The pilgrims also toured Jabal Thur which is the mountain containing the cave in which Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) and Sayyidina Abu Bakar As Siddiq sought refuge for three days and three nights from the Quraysh. This occurred when they secretly left Makkah to emigrate to Madinah.

Another historical site visited was Jabal Nur (Hira Cave) where Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) received the first of his many revelations.

Tents set up in Mina for Haj rituals. PHOTOS: AZLAN OTHMAN
Brunei pilgrims tour Jabal Rahmah in Arafah.